waw... lots of reading with no pictures...
129 Apr 16, 2014 8:15 am
Re: fakebit topic 04/14: without fakebit i am nothing (34 replies, posted in General Discussion)
130 Apr 15, 2014 2:19 pm
Re: Truly the cheapest music setup ever (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
cool, i've ever wanted to give a try to the car amp concept to make some punky DIY double-bass amp for our street busking with the band...
but i'm just a lazy thing, so I keep on ruining my fingers playing loud acoustic...
131 Apr 15, 2014 2:11 pm
Re: Roboctopus - Jelly (9 replies, posted in Releases)
can't wait to give this some careful listening back at home this evening !
132 Apr 14, 2014 2:19 pm
Re: Truly the cheapest music setup ever (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Suddenly that fake old-timey stereo in the living room might have a purpose if my wife will let me crack it open...
looks like quite a lot of them will get tortured around the world in the next future
great tip!!!
133 Apr 10, 2014 8:19 am
Re: Chipmusic's general opinion on "experimental" electro music? (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
but don't listen to it that often anymore. More often, I listen to stuff that takes those elements and uses them in the service of a more conventional composition.
well, that the point: fucked up experimental things, in electro, jazz or whatever are usually cool to discover, as a musician i often feel like ''waw, how do they do that, why, where does this come from, I have to try this evening''
it helps to see how far you could actually go.
but listening to this all day, for simple ''listening pleasure''... no way
134 Apr 7, 2014 6:37 am
Re: What have I missed? (20 replies, posted in General Discussion)
and ubiktune put out while you were away!
oO wow... i've instantaneously mutated into a danimal cannon fan...
135 Apr 1, 2014 7:24 am
Topic: V5 backlight+prosound Mod / PDF plan - drawing ? (0 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
a friend of mine will do it for me, as... well... i'm just a doublebassist really, I can't hold and sold these very tiny things, I'm 100% sure to mess it up.
we're doing this at work (bad, bad unproductive people) and can't really follow the youtube tutorial in the open space.
does anybody have a plan, or better some PDF tutorial about how to do it ? (yes I've requested it some time ago to non finite elec, but well...)
- mostly where we have to connect the 3 wires for the backlight, rest should be OK... appart this ''inverted or not'' thing... which I think will remain on the improvisation field
- about pro sound (I know it's not a crucial mod on GMB but well, while it's opened) what the actual benefit of Pre or post pot ?
loudness is not necessarly the main concern, as I will boost up things through a preamp or multi effects anyway
Which option does reduce the annoying ''bzzzzzz" background best, especially at reccording ?
thanks in advance...
136 Mar 27, 2014 3:09 pm
Re: Buying from NonElectronics.com - My experience (75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
what a captivating saga!
137 Mar 27, 2014 10:31 am
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
me again...
I'started to explore the wav channel and did not quite acheive to get the bass sound I was aiming for yet... but never mind: i've actually discovered a lot of twisted and very interessting (though sometimes quite disturbing ) sounds possibilities on the way!
next question: do you know were I could find some general/understandable theory about waveforms, in order to orientate my customization attemps ?
disregard the question, found tons of complicated stuff on the net, and Roboctopus tutto is far the best material arround, so I'll simply keep on focusing on the noisechannel advises
138 Mar 27, 2014 9:08 am
Re: How do you all go about booking tours and shows? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm not a chiptune performer(yet^^), but have a similar ''restrictive touring environnement '' with my current Band
>small city, little place to steel among already settled bands (which do defend their part of the cake, obviously)
>obscur style (gipsy-balkan music) that nobody cares about
>no name yet on the scene (starts to change a bit)
we've actually applied the very good advices given by herr prof
I think the best one is:
- When people come to your town, come to them as a fan, and make a connection
because you can take advantage of their logistic / communication means if doing a first part, or some punctual featuring on 1 or 2 tracks
I would add, play, play and play... no matter where, when... small venues, any public event (even scary ones, as the ''potatoe fest'' in the next haunted village), have a 3mn demo between 2 dances of the local dance school show, be part of the new wall markt opening, neighbourhood yearly barbecue, anything really!
you'll surely be amased about how people will be demanding and interested in an atypical type of musical entertainment (even more if free...)
Once you've got one or 2 lines in the local paper (public events are often covered), 1 or 2 posters of local shows with your name on and a few pictures / clips of you playing, it's much easier to get ''regular'' (payed) gigs
then, the more people you will meet, the more offers you'll get and at a certain point, proposals will arrive by themselves... but it does take time and perseverance
139 Mar 25, 2014 7:45 am
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I use rechargeable batteries. DMGs are battery hogs.
this... plus the bass multi effect... plus thousands stupid blinking toys screaming arround the house... will soon drive me mad...
thanks again for the cool advices and tutorial... now it's time to make some noise
140 Mar 24, 2014 2:22 pm
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
have to steel batteries at work first... how do you guys run your batteries stock ? oO
141 Mar 24, 2014 2:20 pm
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
hi, I got them all printed in my case since a few weeks now!!
thanks for that by the way \o/
as a total beginner I waited to kind of get use to the main features of the soft before following your path!
in the meantime the .sav collection collected earlier will be very very useful to start understanding how to organise things in the sequenceur with some sounds / wave constructions examples
142 Mar 24, 2014 12:42 pm
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
cool, thanks!
143 Mar 24, 2014 7:50 am
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
hi guys,
thanks so much for all feedback and advices, really appreciate it!
may I overuse your kindness by asking one or two set up examples (or links) I could take as a base to dig into wav bassing ?
144 Mar 21, 2014 3:47 pm
Re: LSDJ : Pulse Bass vs Wave Bass (and rest for Beat) (34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i like layering pulse and wav basses,.
you mean pulse1+Wav for bass and pulse2+noise for beat ?
My next level moment for my songs was just making everyone one instrument...
a 4channel bass, then record... and a 4 channel beat... then a 4 channels lead and so on ?