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Search options (Page 16 of 17) / Forums / Posts by metatronaut
Topics by metatronaut
Posts found: 241-256 of 264
metatronaut wrote:L-tron wrote:you sure you're not programming it right? I tried likelukes table and the two sounded identical. Anyhow, my first guess would have been:
Pulse instrument 50pw (pulse width aka a square wave) with a table and the volume envelope something short with an e command a few phrases down to echo the instrument.
Post the actual instrument just for fun! I'm too lazy to dl the files 
It was a very simple C0C in the table with a 25% PW. I feel kinda stupid but hey, at least I know how her basses kick ass now! XD
The bass:
Play: Pingpong
Length: F
Repeat: 0
Speed: 7
Wave: Saw
Q: 1
Phase: Resync
Vol: B6
Cut: 1A
Phase: 09
Vol: 4E
cut: CD
L-tron wrote:you sure you're not programming it right? I tried likelukes table and the two sounded identical. Anyhow, my first guess would have been:
Pulse instrument 50pw (pulse width aka a square wave) with a table and the volume envelope something short with an e command a few phrases down to echo the instrument.
Post the actual instrument just for fun! I'm too lazy to dl the files 
It was a very simple C0C in the table with a 25% PW. I feel kinda stupid but hey, at least I know how her basses kick ass now! XD
an0va wrote:Seriously though the most fun, at least to me, is throwing a bunch of commands and seeing what sounds you can get. Try looping a pattern of notes in LSDJ or any tracker and just throw random commands while it loops - youll be surprised how just changing a few values can make something really unique
I've been trying that alot with Pxx.
If you get 'em right you can make a suh-weet synthesis effect.
an0va wrote:metatronaut wrote:OMG due I love your stuff!
Anyways, thanks for the advice and I'll try out HFF!
Haha thank you! HFF is a command that stops the song. It helps me take a break when I'm trying too hard to get a certain sound
Super rad that chipzel shared the data!

I should probably take a break.
I've been working nonstop. Just so much fun!
chipzel wrote:But yeah, obviously you'll need to add your own touch and find your own style
Finding and playing around with sounds is the best part of writing in LSDJ
Yeah I've been working on some stuff and I have a few WIPs on my twitter page.
And I released an album not too long ago.
If you could give me some feedback that would be suh-weet!
katsumbhong wrote:If you felt my response to your question wasn't very helpful to you, my bad.
I hope you figure out the instrument problem you're having.
Chipzel just replied to the thread with the actual sav file for Tokyo Skies so all is good!
Water under the bridge!
Oh wow!
Thanks so much!!
can't wait to see what you do next and keep up the good work!
katsumbhong wrote:an0va wrote:Yo there's nothing wrong with asking how to get a certain sound and people use each other's instruments all the time without "being looked down upon," it just sometimes looks a little silly to ask because it's like asking "how do i get Slash's guitar tone" (which I still don't know, hmu)
The centered instrument in the intro sounds like a tabled octave jump. Throw some 0C's on dat bitch
The other instrument just sounds like a pulse panned left and right, lemme hear u say Oxx
The reason your instruments may sound different is because many things factor into the instrument settings, like the Tempo of your track will affect the tables
But the real thing is: you only have a few commands, a couple waveforms*, three positions of panning**, and 15 steps of volume***, so fuck around with random shit-you wont break anything and you may come up with cool sounds that other people will wonder how the hell you did them too!
- - -
* - yes i know this is a huge understatement; neckbeards = no
** - goddammit i know theres a way around this here too
*** - jesus dont make me get the hose
Can be looked down upon.
(directed toward katsumbhong)
Who says I can't ask how to do something?
This is general discussion, not a youtube comment section.
And also, I may be new to the whole chiptune thing, but that doesn't mean you have to put me down just for asking.
an0va wrote:Yo there's nothing wrong with asking how to get a certain sound and people use each other's instruments all the time without "being looked down upon," it just sometimes looks a little silly to ask because it's like asking "how do i get Slash's guitar tone" (which I still don't know, hmu)
The centered instrument in the intro sounds like a tabled octave jump. Throw some 0C's on dat bitch
The other instrument just sounds like a pulse panned left and right, lemme hear u say Oxx
The reason your instruments may sound different is because many things factor into the instrument settings, like the Tempo of your track will affect the tables
But the real thing is: you only have a few commands, a couple waveforms*, three positions of panning**, and 15 steps of volume***, so fuck around with random shit-you wont break anything and you may come up with cool sounds that other people will wonder how the hell you did them too!
- - -
* - yes i know this is a huge understatement; neckbeards = no
** - goddammit i know theres a way around this here too
*** - jesus dont make me get the hose
OMG due I love your stuff!
Anyways, thanks for the advice and I'll try out HFF!
likeluke wrote:metatronaut wrote:Doesn't seem to work...
weird, which version of lsdj are you running? hardware or emulator?
4.7.2 on a GBC
My DMG is being repaired.
Thanks for the help guys!
I got some info in the LSDJ manual!
likeluke wrote:think i figured it out that sound for you:
env 8F
sweep 39
PW 25%
00 P69 OL
00 P49 OR
00 M17 OL
00 Z41 OR
00 H00 00
Doesn't seem to work...
Sorry if this is another newb question but PW?
likeluke wrote:likeluke wrote:think i figured it out that sound for you:
env 8F
sweep 39
PW 25%
00 P69 OL
00 P49 OR
00 M17 OL
00 Z41 OR
00 H00 00
OH and the table automation thing has to be on
Huh really, a randomize command and automation?
I'll take a spin at it.
calmdownkidder wrote:She spent years of hard work, improving her craft over time - listen to her earlier stuff, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the new songs. Not meant as a diss, she's one of the UK's top acts, and with good reason. Practice, practice, practice.
I have her old stuff. I really love all of her albums and tracks! And I don't doubt that she didn't have those skills the instant she put her hands on a gameboy.
And yup! Practicing all day, 'eryday!
L-tron wrote:I think what they're trying to say is that the arp you linked us to is a super simple, basic sound in LSDJ, and maybe you should learn the program more before asking questions like this. Anyhow I'm not trying to sound like a dick. I hear your music has a lot of potential and you have some good tunes! Keep on trackin! 
I know how arps work, just that when I try to use them like she does it doesn't sound like her arp.
And yes I am very new to the program. I've had experience with Famitracker and FL Studio so it's a bit hard for me to get into a new system.
I've been doing this:
0C ---
00 ---
0C ---
00 ---
-- H00
Posts found: 241-256 of 264 / Forums / Posts by metatronaut