(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anything by this guy. A real hidden gem and a friend of mine.


Easily one of the most talented persons I've ever met and one of the best in the genre and no one knows of him.

Very ballsy. Performing infront of people is one thing, but doing a speech.. Wow props! Enjoyed it!

Definitely gonna backtrace this and report it to the cyber police. Guess what, consequences will never be the same!

Nice, maybe ill be there


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

ten thumbs up!

Probably the best music video ever made...

celsius wrote:

I never said there was anything I took offense to. I just said it wasn't for me.

For the record Chiptune is not a genre it's a medium. It's like calling orchestral music a genre. It's not, it's just a means by which music is made with a set of instruments.

I completely understand that it could have been a very brutal edit. You don't need to defend yourself as I realise this is not your work and that you are just the subject matter.

oh come on..

Close to the original, a built up part, easy to cut and rearrange


Hmm, im not sure what to do here... do you think they will be releasing my stuff with rap over to buy under their name,?