(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This one is how I originally got into chiptune, the sound blew me away: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoqW7RzV2sk

Hey guys, ive just noticed recently that pockets are going for a fair bit cheaper than dmg's on eBay and I was just wondering whether they worked and could be modded exactly the same as the DMG? Thanks smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks guys smile it's good to know I wasn't alone here, I'll definitely have to get into that habit of adjusting the contrast wheel tongue And thanks again for the advice about rubbing alcohol. Actually, the combination of tutorials I saw basically suggested spit and elbow grease tongue Real men's men they were. I ended up using a slightly wet soapy cloth, trying to be very careful, but still couldn't get all of the sticky residue off, so thanks for the compliment BroFoSho! I'm glad it looks okay smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

oh man...haha thanks, yep that was exactly it. Gosh. Sometimes I amaze myself. But awesome to know that it works!
And thanks for the tip! Will do smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey guys, so I was pretty excited to hack my first DMG! I decided to start off small and just put in a backlight and some LED's for now, but I just tested out the backlight then and the screen is kaput.. like it's not giving me any kind of signal at all? I didn't rip any of the ribbons - but I may have got them a little wet when I tried to clean the stick off from the old screen-back (that aluminum foil kind of stuff). A youtube video said even the slightest bit of moisture on there was a no-no. So I did try to be really careful.. but I wanted to make sure with you guys, just to see if anyone has seen this kind of thing before and it IS fixable and perchance my screen isn't stuffed from the bit of water i did get on it.
If not, it looks like it's back to square one.

<< here's what it looks like
and it doesn't matter which way I turn the polarising film layer to face, it always ends up with the same result.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah I read something that said the exact same thing... it looks reaaaally cool, but maybe ill just hang out in the shallows for a while before i tackle it. thanks smile


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks guys, really appreciate the feedback, you've given me some really good advice smile What I mean by 'hacking' is along the lines of backlighting, like you mentioned Alpine, but also putting in things like ps/2 connector, pitch mod, internal LED's and stuff like that, but yeah maybe 'hacking' wasn't the right word, perhaps 'modding'? Just the first time I saw a modded gameboy like that I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Defiantsystems is this goattracker - http://cadaver.homeftp.net/tools.htm ? Can you tell me more about it?
But yes, overall time to stop going back and forth between trackers/programs and start making chip!

Hey guys, I posted this in the introduction thread but it probably wasn't the place to do so, so I thought I'd try here. Basically my current options for making chip are lsdj on gbd until I hack my gameboy, but I also have milkytracker and ableton 9 with 8bit vsts and packs...which brings me to a question, what would be the best way to go about making chip music? Is ableton the obvious choice between it and milky? And can you hook up lsdj with ableton?
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Accidentally posted this twice so I'll just use it to say hi to all you guys properly. Especially yall on page 29! Matt, really keen to hear your stuff man, keep me posted! And welcome starforge, Justin, Daim smile Looking forward to hanging out with you guys and everybody else on this forum!

Hey guys I'm gr3yh4m3. So far I have a couple of options for making tunes: I have lsdj on gbd until I hack my gameboy, but I also have milkytracker and ableton 9 with 8bit vsts and packs...which brings me to a question, what would be the best way to go about making chip music? Is ableton the obvious choice between it and milky? And can you hook up lsdj with ableton? Thanks, and sorry for the newb questions.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good man, I just made tacos.

Thanks man smile

Hey guys, is there a way to change the forum's layout? Like colours and such? Thanks.