did you mess with the delay settings?
its also easier to tweak with the max pat, i think my settings are something like 40,1
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did you mess with the delay settings?
its also easier to tweak with the max pat, i think my settings are something like 40,1
What do those settings actually do? Fiddling with them seems to change the results I'm getting, but not in any predictable way.
When I hit start, I always get one status light blinking, then from there I get an occasional single blink at random. I think it just sent a note off even though I haven't programmed any?
While I was out walking the dog I was thinking about the cable pinout. In the LSDJ forum post there's a comment that says it needs an extra wire inside the cable - there's only four wires inside the DMG connector on my arduinoboy, and based on the info I can find they're 5V, ground, serial in and clock. There's also five wires from the link cable connected to the bottom of the arduinoboy board. I'm guessing that the serial out wire is what I'm missing here?
herr_prof, did you do any modification to your arduinoboy when you set yours up?
edit: I've determined that my serial out is indeed connected, but for some reason the ground pin was messed up. I've fixed that, but nothing seems to have changed. hrm.
Last edited by kineticturtle (Apr 10, 2011 7:17 pm)
Does the max patch only work with the ftdi to usb cable? my Uno isn't being recognized when plugged in with the usb jack.
Also, I've found that the Q command doesn't trigger the TX light, but the N command does. Is this normal? I currently have mine set up to force to MIDIOUT mode, the MIDIOUT is enabled in LSDJ, and the arduinoboy is being powered via USB, not from the game boy's 5V.
the maxpat should work with any midi interface installed on your machine. Do you see the uno on the dropdown box when you start the maxpat? If not, thats a seperate issue, does the uno show up in any application on your machine?
On mine I also have to have it turned on and powered by the gameboy to get it to work.
The q command only works if its used with a lsdj note, so if you trigger it alone on a single line it will have nothing relative to pitch the midi to. Its handy to have a aboy with all the leds because each channel will trigger its own light which is way useful during troubleshooting.
What do those settings actually do? Fiddling with them seems to change the results I'm getting, but not in any predictable way.
if you using the editor, read the description under the box.
its a delay setting, the higher the number, the less arduinoboy will communicate to the gameboy. if notes dont play or bad notes happen, raising the number will help. the more cpu your song uses on a dmg, the higher that numbr needs to be. i'd say changing it to 60 - 100 or so with a multiplier of 1 should be more then fine.
the total delay your looking at is the bit delay multiplied by the multiplier. so 60 & 1 = 60 .... 60 & 10 = 600 .... 60 & 100 = 6000 (hehe)
also if you having really bad issues, you should check your battery or use a external power supply for arduinoboy.
Okay cool, thanks for the more detailed description. I'll try some higher numbers for the moment - and I'll crack out the multimeter and see how much juice the arduinoboy is getting.
just to be clear, i meant a delay of 60 and a multiplier of 1... if it stil has issues and the batteries are fine, up it to maybe 120 ... basically find a number where its working and then slowly decrease it from there so you can get the lowest/shortest delay without issues.
@herr_prof and trash80 ,ive been having a bit of trouble getting the midi out to work.. heres where Im at. I have a stock trash80 arduinoboy , the most recent version of lsdj flashed on my cart(I can see the new midi out tab on the songscreen) and an emx1. I have used the arduinoboy backwards and can make my electribe start/stop and tempo sync the gameboy , but i am having trouble wrapping my head around how you guys are flashing the arduino code? i downloaded the maxpatcher but im getting myself confused over here. any help would be awesome !! thankyou
You flash the arduino code the same way you'd flash any arduino code, with the arduino plugged into your USB port (either via an FTDI cable or a straight USB cable, depending on your arduino), and using the arduino software.
@herr_prof and trash80 ,ive been having a bit of trouble getting the midi out to work.. heres where Im at. I have a stock trash80 arduinoboy , the most recent version of lsdj flashed on my cart(I can see the new midi out tab on the songscreen) and an emx1. I have used the arduinoboy backwards and can make my electribe start/stop and tempo sync the gameboy , but i am having trouble wrapping my head around how you guys are flashing the arduino code? i downloaded the maxpatcher but im getting myself confused over here. any help would be awesome !! thankyou
There is no such thing as a stock Arduinoboy. Is it a scienceguy8 arduinoboy? If so you need a FTDI cable as mentioned earlier in this thread...
Also check this for steps:
thanks for the quick response guys this is my first experience using any kind of arduino, so thanks for all the help. after a quick google, the arduinoboy that im using is the arduinoboy mini. My question is, ..do i open up the unit, and inside will be a part on the board that i can usb to my mac? and my second question, since this model only has 1midi port , how will that affect it? I wast sure if you could use the midi port for either in or out , or just in. or if this model is more for slaving. <thanks for the spoonfeeding>
Oh no, shoot.
The arduinoboy mini is awesome, but only does MIDI in.
You could modify it to have a midi out jack, but it'll never fit in that case. :\
But yeah in theory (or if you wanted to otherwise change the software on your arduinoboy), you would open it up and connect an FTDI cable to the pins on the arduino inside, and connect that to USB.
Last edited by kineticturtle (Apr 17, 2011 8:49 pm)
Yeah that arduinoboy mini was programmed with a FTDI cable by yours truely.
Technically you can rewire the midi in jack to be midi out, but it would require good soldering skills and alittle know-how if you're up for the challenge I can try to assist. also it would have to be flashed of course, and NOT with the code on the arduinoboy site, I had to change some of the wires and code out- so its a bit different.
@trash80 I am up for the challenge !! can you email me at martykraham@yahoo.com thankyou !! im considering re-caseing the arduinoboy mini into something bigger so i can add the midi out, but otherwise i like the idea of just switching it to a midi out arduinoboy if that will work
thanks trash