Sydney, NSW
Delek wrote:

Both Linux and Windows builds updated!

A linux build? Sweet! Now I have a use for this terrible netbook


has anyone else got the "Impossible to create the Window. CODE: 0xF4E7372F" error running windows xp?

Buenos Aires, Argentina

That is related to the OpenGL state of your video card, the code that it is failing is:
glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, 0);
     fatalError("Impossible to create the Window.");

I don't know why some video cards are failing, maybe I'm forcing the OpenGL drivers to 1?, I don't think so because I have here OpenGL 3.0 and it works. Strange...

I uploaded this DefleMask pack file to see if it has the same problem too, I changed some little things, could you please test it? … k_Test.rar



hmm that version gives me the same error.

perhaps i should update my graphics drivers.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

I'm thinking in use SDL for graphics too, it is a little bit slower than OpenGL in 2D mode but I think that it is more compatible in PCs.

Austin, Texas

I'm running Windows XP SP3 in a VirtualBox installation on OS X 10.6.8.

DefleMask crashes as soon as I open it, during the attempt to spawn a window. I'm not sure how to check the error code to see if it matches wailord's, but I will test that file you've posted.

Thanks for making a cool thing, Delek! smile

EDIT: That test pack crashed in the same way for me.

Looks like it's back to pretending I'll actually learn paragon5 and FamiTracker for the time being. tongue

Last edited by Telerophon (Jul 22, 2012 5:26 pm)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

There should be an error.log file in the DefleMask Folder.
Btw, a user in YT send me a private message and he explained that he fixed the Error CODE: 0xF4E7372F after the installation of the latest OpenGL Drivers.

Austin, Texas

Oh, thanks! I checked the error log, it's the very same error.

I played with settings on the host side in VirtualBox, and enabled hardware 2D and 3D video acceleration.

Now DefleMask will run, but it won't load a skin and shows whatever part of the background the window opened over as the permanent DefleMask background. Kinda weirdddd. This is a unique issue because of VirtualBox—I don't think I can really update my video drivers or OpenGL package, I just have to tweak setting in VirtualBox until it works. hmm

Last edited by Telerophon (Jul 22, 2012 7:17 pm)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

As for the skin, check if there is a "default" folder in the skins directory, and if it is selected in the config.ini file.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Btw, what host OS are you using?. Remember that DefleMask is available for Linux too.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Video of DefleMask @ the latest 8static event in July 12, awesome!. big_smile

Last edited by Delek (Jul 23, 2012 11:56 am)

Austin, Texas
Delek wrote:

Btw, what host OS are you using?. Remember that DefleMask is available for Linux too.

I'm on OS X 10.6.8.

I checked the skins directory and the config.ini, nothing anomalous there.

Last edited by Telerophon (Jul 24, 2012 10:45 am)


It was nice to see DefleMask on a projector. The workshop was good for newbies to the program but I didn't learn more than I already knew. The Dutchess did a great job with the presentation though.

You can see me walk by @ 31:39.


I'd also like to add that this thread is probably the only one I care about on CM.O these days.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

WOW!, DefleMask 8 Released!. MANY NEWS! and changed a little the work flow of the tracker.

Soundchip Added: Ricoh 2A03
System Added: Nintendo NES
Effect Added: EFxx - Global Fine Pitch (AWESOMEEE!!).
Added NSF Export for Nintendo NES.
Added support for raw PCM samples in Nintendo NES.
Added support for no limit range in the Arpeggio Macro (no more 2 octaves limit).
Added an sound output waveform viewer to the main DefleMask screen (very useful while you are editing FM Instruments!).
Added control to the Noise mode of the soundchips by using the Duty Macro/Effects.
Added a new texture for skins: backwaveform.
Added a new color for skins: waveform.
Added some changes to the GUI.
Fixed the impossibility to change the noise mode of the Game Boy while a note is sounding.
Fixed a bad functionality of the undo/redo system.
Fixed a PCM Samples desynchronization.
Fixed a bug with the wavetables save window.
Fixed a bug while concatenating portamento to note effects.
Fixed an unsynch bug related to having uneven count of total rows.
Fixed the impossibility to use a channel of the SN76489 without a volume envelope.
Fixed lot of minor bugs.
Both Windows and Linux builds updated.
Manual Updated (please read it, there are some very useful things there, for example: the use of the Arpeggio Macro with PCM Samples to trigger them freely).


Abandoned on Fire

WOW, goog stuff!  big_smile