Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lot of Mac users are really happy with the OS X build, there was more demand than I thought. smile

Btw, I fixed two small bugs regarding to C64, update Defle if you want.

Last edited by Delek (Jan 1, 2013 10:50 pm)

Bristol, UK

The Mac version works brilliantly! smile

Chicago IL

Any chance for YM2610 support in the future? Figured I'd ask, it's made up mostly of stuff that's been implemented in other chips, apart from the frequency of the sample channels

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maybe after POKEY and YM2151.

Chicago IL

yussss to all of that

Buenos Aires, Argentina

DefleMask 9 for Mac Updated! Shortcuts!

Now "Command key" + "Delete" will act like a normal deletion, Alt+Up/Alt+Down are backspace and insert.
"Command key" now will act like Ctrl also, so all the shortcuts that are refereed to Ctrl now belongs to the Command key (Copy, Paste, Cut, Interpolate, etc)



Quick question regarding YM2612: The operators in the algorithm-display are not numbered, how do I distinguish carriers and modulators this way? It's a little confusing...

Chicago IL
Delek wrote:

DefleMask 9 for Mac Updated! Shortcuts!
Alt+Up/Alt+Down are backspace and insert.


Buenos Aires, Argentina
otakumode wrote:

Quick question regarding YM2612: The operators in the algorithm-display are not numbered, how do I distinguish carriers and modulators this way? It's a little confusing...

Numbers will not help to define that.

The operators in the very right are modulators.

Delek wrote:

Numbers will not help to define that. The operators in the very right are modulators.

What? Of course they will, even Yamaha FM synths have algorithm schemes with numbered operators printed on their hardcases. Actually I've never seen any algorithm scheme where the operators are not numbered.

Last edited by otakumode (Jan 25, 2013 8:26 pm)

Buenos Aires, Argentina
otakumode wrote:
Delek wrote:

Numbers will not help to define that. The operators in the very right are modulators.

What? Of course they will, even Yamaha FM synths have algorithm schemes with numbered operators printed on their hardcases. Actually I've never seen any algorithm scheme where the operators are not numbered.

If I put numbers how could you know if "3" is a modulator or a carrier?, and a "2"? You need another external reference.

Please tell me here on every ALG what operators are carriers and modulator, without any external references:

I can call the operators "1", "2", "3", or "Dude", "John", and "Michael" without any problems, but you will never know really who are carriers and modulators.

A "color shade" is what is actually used to represent modulators vs carriers. The numbers are only to describe how are mapped in memory, but that will not define its mode. Yamaha explain the operator's mode in the manuals (using the numbers as a reference), but with the numbers only, it is, again, impossible to define.

Whatever, DefleMask uses the numbers as described here:

I will add numbers or textures with numbers in the next release.

Last edited by Delek (Jan 25, 2013 9:29 pm)

Delek wrote:

If I put numbers how could you know if "3" is a modulator or a carrier?, and a "2"? You need another external reference.

Please tell me here on every ALG what operators are carriers and modulator, without any external references:

In each algorithm operators which output the signal are carriers, the rest are modulators. For example, the last algorithm has no modulators. I don't really understand why you ask that question. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough.
When I open the YM2612 editor in Deflemask there is the algorithm scheme and below are the settings for every single operator, starting with operator 1 from above. Operator 1 is indicated by the feedback loop in the scheme and operator 4 is always a carrier. But what about op2 & 3? Since there are no numbers in the scheme, I can only guess which is which. Or maybe there's another indicator I haven't seen yet.

Delek wrote:

I will add numbers or textures with numbers in the next release.

That's cool, thanks! smile

Buenos Aires, Argentina

DefleMask 9b Released!

New and better SID export for Commodore 64, awesome use of memory and great sync.
Added lot of accurate code to the SID, some of your tunes will need some adjusts.
Effect Added to Commodore 64: 15xx - ADSR Hard Reset Time Set.
Now the effect 1Axx ADSR Reset is ON by default, setting it to 1 will NOT reset the ADSR on next notes on, setting it to 0 will use 15xx to perform the ADSR Hard Reset. Your tunes may need adjusts.
Added color change to the cursor while recording, it will be painted as "Effects Value" color (RED on default theme skin).
Added numbers to the Algorithms of FM instruments.
Improved some points of the GUI.
Shortcuts Alt+Up/Alt+Down acts like Backspace and Insert.
Some bugs fixed.
Manual Updated.
Linux, Mac and Windows builds updated.

Wiii. Looking forward to hear some DefleMask's .sid files running on a C64!

Example SID FILE!


Last edited by Delek (Feb 3, 2013 9:24 pm)


I tried running the mac version on osx 10.5.8 and I'm getting this error in terminal:

/Users/Me/Downloads/DefleMask_Mac/DefleMask ; exit;
dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022
Trace/BPT trap

[Process completed]

I copied the lib file like recommended but that didn't change anything.  Any thoughts?

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Did you move the dylib provided with DefleMask or another one?, that error is about the "dyld" appears like a problem with SDL.


I moved the libSDL-1.2.0.dylib file from .  Tried it in a few different folders too. /usr/ , /usr/lib , /usr/local/lib