I live in Milton Keynes, England. Life is pretty lazy here, maybe because I'm still a student, but it can be a bit boring sometimes. There's not a lot to do so young people go to the shopping centre and mooch about, older people stay at home. I think there's about one nightclub if that's what you are into, and it plays drum 'n' bass, r 'n' b, chart stuff. If you were coming from a big city with loads of stuff going on (New York maybe?) you would probably find it hard to adjust to the lack of stuff happening, if you're from the countryside it's probably a good urban area for city-newbs since it's pretty much impossible to get lost. Chipmusic scene is just me and maybe two other guys I've never spoken to, but there's a good scene for dubstep and rocky metally stuff. Big theatre which puts on some good stuff, a cinema, blah blah normal things you would expect from a large town. My lifestyle personally is spent inside on chipmusic.org and IRC, but you could probably do something else if you wanted to. Overall verdict of where I live: 6/10, there are better places to go so don't bother coming here.
Good things:
green town, new town, fairly clean town, small enough that I can walk/cycle anywhere, nice block layout of roads with roundabouts (which I like even though I don't drive), incredibly good network of proper sized cycle paths for cyclists ("redways"), walking distance from the countryside (fields and a nice forest), concrete cows, hour by train from London.
Bad things:
pretty boring sometimes, could be very hard to make friends if you just moved here (couldn't everywhere, though?), doesn't always feel that safe (as with most urban areas, I expect), music scene is not great.
Sorry for such a massive post!