1,111 Unfixable dead vertical line in a DMG
by baudtack
1,112 LSDJ Physical Patch Book Template MS X
1,113 Questions/Issues with Kitsch Bent RGBbb Backlight
by PuffinBits
1,115 Crackling sound only audible in song screen
by killedatschool
1,116 Mod - Recharge DMG through DC input?
by hexagonfuture
1,118 Nanoloop 1.7 wave tables help
by Jord
1,119 DMG Backlighting help.
1,120 Gameboy(dmg01) repair
by dwnste
1,121 where to solder 10k trim for ltc 1799?
by bitjacker
1,122 gb transferer 1 vs gb transferer 2
by baudtack
1,123 LSDJ Organ thread resurection
by baudtack
1,125 DMG won't load LSDJ?
by gr3yh4m3
1,126 How can I remove paint from my DMG?
by Sato
1,127 MGB + Teensyboy weirdness
by Knife Crimes
1,128 MGB Gameboy Pocket battery life after backlight mod
by xen0s
1,129 Defective prosound?
by metatronaut
1,131 "soft pulse": a new kind of bass on DMG
by oliver
1,133 GBA SP: To Mod or Not To Mod:
by B4D-W0LF
1,134 any work arounds for LSDj w/ DMG CPU-02/03?
by Flow Mein
1,135 mGB with MicroKorg: changing channels?
by CasterJones
1,136 Pocket Beats (MTV Music Generator)
by Crashmast
1,139 LSDJ Noob Song Structure Question?
by NES Fresh