123 Can Nanoloop Mono Be Updated Via Teensyboy?
by punk1290
124 DMG pro sound and headphone jack in parallel?
by theskyis256k
125 How do you mitigate the Gameboy note "click"?
by Doctor Octoroc
127 LSDJ index of new features list somewhere?
by theskyis256k
128 1MB 128KB SRAM Flash Cart?
by nickyflowers
130 Nanoloop mono boot audio GBA compared to GBC
by Dumbug (UK)
131 Nanoloop mono direct audio out mod?
by Dumbug (UK)
134 Wanted Custom Gameboy Webstore
by mesaphlin
135 Arduinoboy Multi Program
by soulgun16
136 Is this corruption? Broken menus and unable to load songs in LSDJ
by AcrylicKid
137 Arduinoboy powered by link cable GBA/MGB-004
by Duck
138 BleepBloop / UCP woes
by sloopygoop
139 nanoloop 1.7 nintendo boot rom?
by zerolanding
140 Nanoloop 2 noob questions...
by Duck
141 How do you repoint a songs header using sappy?
by biolizardshadow
142 Custom LSDJ roms in emulators (problem)
by zekeyheathy
143 Vibrato with mGB - what options are available?
by TechnoMage
144 Backlit DMG Freezing after short time.
by Dreadcrumb
147 Nanoloop 1.7 on Super Gameboy
by darenager
149 GBA "Direct Sound" DAC -- Application for music making?
by DipSwitch
150 LSDJ to MIDI / HTML / JSON converter
by defensem3ch