BC, Canada

Hm... it doesn't seem to make a difference for me. Maybe I'll run it in a VM if I really have to. hmm

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hmm. I changed the way that selects the buffer's size, if the initialization fails, now DefleMask will try to open the audio device with more buffer's size, if it fails, DefleMask will try again to open with a greater buffer's size, and so on until the buffer's size reach the max_buffer_size value (8192), then DefleMask will close with the "Audio initialization failed. CODE: 0x72FD3413" error.

So, please, re-download DefleMask and tell me if it starts, if it does not, then it is a problem of the soundcard and his compatibility with SDL audio.

Last edited by Delek (May 25, 2012 6:36 pm)

BC, Canada

Nope, same error.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

WINE has options regarding to the sound card?, maybe you have to change some points of the configuration. Lot of users are running DefleMask on WINE without problems.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

According to the official WINE Wiki:

WINE Wiki wrote:

SDL applications

The Windows SDL library contains support for several audio backends, such as "winmm" and "dsound". If the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable is set, then SDL loads the matching backend, or fails if the backend isn't available.

Since SDL is a cross-platform library, it has this same functionality on Linux. Accordingly, some Linux distributions' SDL package will set the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable to match the Linux backend, so that SDL-using Linux applications will use the appropriate backend (e.g. "pulse").

But this creates problems for SDL applications run in Wine. The Windows SDL library loads the Linux SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable, which contains "pulse" or some other invalid backend for the Windows SDL library, and so audio fails to initialize in SDL-using Windows applications run through Wine.

The solution here is to unset your SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable before running Wine. This should restore your audio, as SDL will fall back on one of its default Windows drivers. Alternatively, you can create a new registry entry which will override the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable for your Wine prefix:

[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment] SDL_AUDIODRIVER=""

There is a patch available here which adds this environment variable override automatically. Packagers may find it useful.


Try this!.



Delek, como andas guachoo!? XD
Hace unas semanas lo probé, pero no conseguí la opción para exportar a GBS (no se si la tiene). Estare pendiente de los updates, me interesa hacer unos GBS ahi big_smile.
Saludos master!!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

El compilador a GBS no está terminado, de hecho lo dejé activado por error en la version anterior (todavia tiene errores y ya lo desactive). xD Cuando estén listos los .HES y GBS exporters voy a subir un update.

Btw, he is asking me about the GBS exporter. It is not finished yet, but I'm working on HES and GBS exporter right now.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

There's a possibility to move this thread to "General Discussion"?, Game Boy/PC-Engine/SMS/Whatever users may wish to review DefleMask, and maybe they do not know that a thread actually exist inside "SEGA".

sergeeo wrote:

I think this thread should be moved to somewhere else, as it's no longer "just" sega related smile

Last edited by Delek (May 27, 2012 11:28 pm)



I'm waiting for the GBS exporter too smile

Buenos Aires, Argentina

01: A bug in the key repeat toggle was causing that moving using the arrows keys were a nightmare. Fixed!.
02: In some huge screen resolutions the mouse wheel could freeze. Fixed!.
03: DefleMask now takes 15% less HD space (compressed some old uncompressed DMFs)
04: Added some modules to the YAMAHA YMU759.

So I recommend to update DefleMask.

Also I done another video tutorial @YouTube, this rise the total DefleMask Tutorials to 3:
Tutorial 1: Basics
Tutorial 2: Envelopes (Macros)
Tutorial 3: Advanced Shortcuts (Uploading...)
They are in my YouTube Channel.

I will done more and advanced tutorials soon, and I think that the next system to add will be YM2413 or SID.

Best Regards, Delek.

Last edited by Delek (May 28, 2012 11:39 pm)

Chicago IL
Delek wrote:

01: A bug in the key repeat toggle was causing that moving using the arrows keys were a nightmare. Fixed!.
02: In some huge screen resolutions the mouse wheel could freeze. Fixed!.
03: DefleMask now takes 15% less HD space (compressed some old uncompressed DMFs)
04: Added some modules to the YAMAHA YMU759.

So I recommend to update DefleMask.

Also I done another video tutorial @YouTube, this rise the total DefleMask Tutorials to 3:
Tutorial 1: Basics
Tutorial 2: Envelopes (Macros)
Tutorial 3: Advanced Shortcuts (Uploading...)
They are in my YouTube Channel.

I will done more and advanced tutorials soon, and I think that the next system to add will be YM2413 or SID.

Best Regards, Delek.

oohh ooh SID please

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Done the tutorials!, links to them @ YouTube!!!!:
Tutorial 1: Basics
Tutorial 2: Envelopes (Macros)
Tutorial 3: Advanced Shortcuts

Austin, TX

Awesome! I was looking for someway to do Sega and other sounds.
I'm going to learn on this smile
Downloaded last night. Can't wait to get off work go home read the manual and start making some noise.
Thanks for all your hard work!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Music Compo @ Battle Of The Bits using DefleMask 6!, you should register and show off your music!.

By the way, I need volunteers to test the already Linux Build of DefleMask before the release. big_smile

Last edited by Delek (Jun 19, 2012 3:53 am)

Ciudad de méxico, MX

¡cuenta conmigo para el build linuxero papá!

Excelente trabajo que has hecho, "one tracker to rule them all" wink

Buenos Aires, Argentina

I need your feedback in a very hard decision for me: cutting off the support of the YMU759.

Why I am considering this?:

First, very few dudes are actually doing music with it. After the release of DefleMask 3.5 all the hype is deposited in the Genesis/Master System, now in PC Engine or Game Boy, and the YMU is alone in the dark.

Second, it is very annoying in the code. The YAMAHA YMU759 is using an emulator with a very strange behavior, and I have lot of code and exceptions ONLY for it (all of the other systems are sharing the same main core).

Third, the emulator is closed source and done by YAMAHA, I reverse engineered it and there are lot of hacks everywhere.

Fourth, it is not portable. The Linux release of DefleMask is almost done, and the YMU759 WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE on this OS. After all, the YMU759 is only an option for Windows OS (because of the shitty Emulator dll).

The good things about it are:

First, there are no trackers that can done music for this obscure Mobile FM soundchip.

Second, maybe in a close future the cellphonechipmusic gets sky rocketed, and would be awesome that DefleMask can offer this support.

Third, this was the soundchip that started everything, without it, I think that DefleMask could never have been born.

Tell me what you think!, thanks!.