The Bronx

Not if each off-topic thread is marked with a little peepee icon!

Harrisonburg, Virginia
minusbaby wrote:

Not if each off-topic thread is marked with a little peepee icon!

I second this motion! big_smile

Also, you could make it so that the off-topic threads don't show up in the most recent posts sections, right? That should cut out the clutter on the front page/recent posts page. If not, I can see why you wouldn't want such a section.


Speaking as someone who browses through these pages and is hardly taken seriously: Please do not make an off-topic area. I understand we all have different interests, but once we all get to know each other more, a divide will only strengthen. This is through no fault of the administration, but I hardly like talking about chipmusic here because of the lack of diversity. It's usually blip this, compilation that, or explain how this works because I've never seen a search function on a website.
I'll probably continue being bitter, maybe I just belong to a wiki where all of this nonsense is less public.


i want to make jokes about chiptune though not the latest harry potter dvds jesus


Why not just incorporate a sort of sage function so that dumb threads don't get bumped

Westfield, NJ

I think arguing with trolls and closing their threads counts as feeding them.


Tokyo, Japan
e.s.c. wrote:

when it comes to off topic sections, i'm opposed...i remember it having a negative effect on 8bc back when we first made one over there.. we already allow some off topic stuff in the forums (threads about movies and video games often are safe enough), but straight out having a section for it leads to some just plain stupid stuff and makes it harder to find important troubleshooting threads and things like that

Why not have an opt out off topic forum?


lets have a section about religion and politics so we can all hate each other for proper reasons.


chicken burger sub forum based on how many songs you've uploaded, if you've commented on more than 10 songs then it will show up in your feed (to keep noobs out??? obviously) HOWEVER if you've made over 200 posts in a week then the sub forum won't appear and in order for it to appear you have to pm nitro2k1 and minusbaby and celcius saying what you fave band is, if it's not up to scratch it won't appear in you recent posts ever again BUT if you upload a song and get at exactly 4 comments you unlock speacli code to view the forum and it will be in text format, you have to download and veiw in wrdpad

San Diego, CA

I'm firmly of the opinion that if you want off-topic discussion, go to an off-topic website. If you want to talk with your friends, the messaging system exists and IRC exists. I honestly don't see how having people posting dumb stuff in threads on what is supposed to be the premier site for chipmusic helps us at all.

I've seriously recommended this site to everyone that asks about chipmusic. I recommended this site when I was live on a stream with a ton of people watching and I wasn't even thinking about it -- I just knew that this place was the go-to place for information and discussion about chipmusic. Lately though I've been questioning whether there even IS a central place for that anymore because of the aforementioned trolling and thread derailments.

I think the end of Blip festival has pretty much given us a challenge to step it up and be more mature for the general public. We don't have a big serious festival to point others to so that we can justify our relevance -- it's really up to how we conduct ourselves as musicians now. When the supposedly "main" site for our medium is filled with random pictures and trolling, people take ALL of us less seriously as artists. Maybe it isn't even worth it to have a "main" forum for chipmusic -- there's no central dubstep forum or post-rock forum and they seem to get along just fine. But as far as repositories for information, there's really nothing better than here and I'd like it to stay that way.

As far as general discussion goes: it'd be fine if the general discussion sub-forum wasn't the most visited part of the site. But it's the first choice on the sub-forum list and it gets the most posts so I think it should be on topic.


^ /applause


<---- wrong

Last edited by BR1GHT PR1MATE (Aug 4, 2012 6:30 pm)

San Diego, CA

wait what? I definitely didn't make accounts to do that. you're probably confusing me with that spaceman fantastiques guy. I totally remember when that happened and I was really bummed that his name started with the same first word as mine did because I totally knew I was going to get confused with him sad

I didn't even start posting any of my stuff on 8bc until I had like 2 full-lengths out, and even then I only posted covers, if that's any indication of how seriously I took posting there hmm

Last edited by spacetownsavior (Aug 4, 2012 6:24 pm)


ah, right you are! I will even delete my post.

everyone: it has been confirmed by sources that spacetownsavior is a solid chip citizen, and has nothing at all to do with the notorious sockpuppet herder spaceman fantastiques

my eagerness to get into a flame war likely stems from sheer boredom on this 7 hour bus ride, so I'll check my damn self. wink

Last edited by BR1GHT PR1MATE (Aug 4, 2012 6:37 pm)

The Bronx
spacetownsavior wrote:

it's really up to how we conduct ourselves as musicians now.

weren't you the guy with multiple accounts on 8bc sockpuppeting your stuff onto the charts? wink

I'm not even judging or anything, just sayin.

No. He's a bad-ass who posts thoughtfully and who's live sets are fantastic. He joined crashfaster, E.N. Cowell, Zen Albatross, starPause, Trash80 and I at a gig at "Mist Ultra Club" in San Francisco this past March.

Oops, I took too long to click "submit" because Oreo was head-butting me (he's a cat, I don't need stiches), so now I'm late. o man <);')

Last edited by minusbaby (Aug 4, 2012 6:33 pm)