I might be selling it later on, if anyone is genuinely interested! Also I'm going to attempt a pokéballboy when all my packages arrive! Wish me luck! c;
I might be selling it later on, if anyone is genuinely interested! Also I'm going to attempt a pokéballboy when all my packages arrive! Wish me luck! c;
Haha I too have been working on plans for a pokeball gameboy. Been debating on full case pokeball or a half and half of a pokeball and a pokemon. Had about 3-4 different sketch layouts on what I want to do.
Sorry Toasty i cant tell you how its done man youll have to go through all the pain I did too lol. Heres a hint though..DO NOT use super glue..terrible results.
And Basspuddle, as for pricing thatll be up to the person these were made for, but I believe a price of around 40$ was spoken about. As for buying from me directly itll also be around 40$ unless you provide the case Ill do it for around 20$. Also down for deals of Ill send you one if my cases already clothed for a partial trade for a blank case from you, i typically knock off around 10$ if you send me a case as partial trade. However, if youre intetested, I am going to be backed up for about a month or so and Im only taking on special orders for close friends due to a huge order I just got. Best bet right now would be just wait for the person/s that will be selling these to post them for sale. I would tell you who this person/persons are but Im not sure if they are wanting to release whothey are yet and Ill leave that to them, respectively, to announce when ready.
Now for a recent test case Im working on..
-1/8" prosound
-custom buttons
-matching screen plate
-matching power switch
-power led replacement
-vinyl dyed
-matching ems carts
-4xled backlights
BEAUTIFUL pieces of art.
Just for the sake of curiosity, did you spray painted everything with vinyl dye? The START, SELECT buttons too?
BEAUTIFUL pieces of art.
Just for the sake of curiosity, did you spray painted everything with vinyl dye? The START, SELECT buttons too?
Vinyle dye is a bit different then spray paint (It comes in spray paint can form though). It soaks into the plastic instead of just putting a coat over the material, there for making it superior in standing up to wear and scratches. I applied it to the buttons power switch and link cover they must be of a different type of plastic as they didn't take the dye, so only the case and back battery cover are dyed. I used kitsch's start select buttons in the white one and followed this guide for the black one: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/8581/ … t-buttons/
Idk can I post this? Whatever.
I was going to customize my dmg with a few things that I get for Christmas. I was thinking of only the buttons and a screen, but the problem I have is how it's going to look. Would a clear screen, clear buttons and clear st/sel buttons look good on a yellow dmg case? This is the only question I have... I'll then post a photo of the final product. No prosound and backlights and stuff cause I can't solder for shit