
What are "fallon guys?"

herr_prof wrote:
4mat wrote:

No that's not my point, the tools are kind of irrelevant.

Yea I totally agree and get what you saying. I think once the gooch freed themselves from using actually chips on stage and in their music solely, they really took off to a next level and this success is a big result of that. I don't see this album or current live show happening to the degree it would ive they stuck to playing basement clubs with 25 year old consoles.

I was replying to Sketchman actually not commenting on the band.

Brunswick, GA USA
jefftheworld wrote:

Anamanaguchi, along with Infinity Shred, work their asses off. They make connections with everyone and they're friendly to people even if they can't see how those people might help them in the future.

This, really.

defiantsystems wrote:

What are "fallon guys?"

I hope that's pronounced "Fall On Guys."

Last edited by chunter (Jun 18, 2013 9:37 pm)

NC in the US of America

It's the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Show, guys.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jun 18, 2013 10:58 pm)

Abandoned on Fire

Ohhhh ok wow, thanks!

NC in the US of America

You're welcome! Sorry for cutting the joke short‽

4mat wrote:

No that's not my point, the tools are kind of irrelevant.

Did my edit: "I'm saying people whos music is primarily and predominantly old-gaming/computing-electronics based who are actually trying to get into the mainstream." make more sense?

I was trying to say that it would be interesting to see somebody who either uses the actual hardware or simply the aesthetic of chiptune while staying within the """constraints""" with not much added to it aside from some effects and stuff actually try to go full mainstream with it. I don't know, maybe they have, maybe most do, but the general attitude I see seems to imply that many people don't think it is worth it, and so don't make that one of their goals. I think Wizwars and Invisible Robot Hands are on the wavelength of what I'm talking about.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jun 19, 2013 12:01 am)


yes they are sellouts because i'm sure all of you would decline a chance to play on late night.

4mat wrote:

I was replying to Sketchman actually not commenting on the band.

Just bringing it back to the topic wink

So now carson, fallon... how long before they hit Leno?

Last edited by herr_prof (Jun 19, 2013 12:07 am)


And then THE VOICE

South Korea

I'm so sorry that some people here are so tainted and bitter that you don't want others to be successful. Do you feel like they stole YOUR 15 minutes of fame? These guys have been working hard and sticking to their guns for long enough to truly deserve any and all the success/mainstream attention they are receiving. It's not about being niche, unique or whatever, it's about staying with one thing long enough for it to become your 'signature' and networking. And to all you naysayers; Anamanaguchi made it, you didn't, get over it and try harder, or don't and stay miserable, whatever.

Montreal, Canada

lol where the hell are you coming from with this? every single post so far has said they're great. So what now? Because we all agree they're good at what they're doing and deserve the attention they get, we shouldn't talk about it?

Grow the fuck up.

South Korea


South Korea

I'm saying that people saying "If they were/weren't (x) they wouldn't be where they are now" are full of shit, it's not their sound or luck that caused success, it's hard work and well orchestrated networking.


Some bands are as hard working and way more networking orientated, but they crash and burn because of bad luck or their sound doesnt resonate with their fanbase. EVERYONE IS RIGHT!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
herr_prof wrote:

Some bands are as hard working and way more networking orientated, but they crash and burn because of bad luck or their sound doesnt resonate with their fanbase. EVERYONE IS RIGHT!

Truer words have never been spoken.

Anyone who thinks that sounding good and working hard is enough to take you to the top is naive, anyone who thinks that sounding good and working hard isn't absolutely necessary is just as wrong.


Lots of white knighting going on here. I think Anamanaguchi will be fine without you guys coming to their defense from hypothetical bitterness. Seriously I'm not sure what some people are responding to.