sandneil wrote:jefftheworld wrote:Why does nobody on this forum have any desire to just accept the opposite point of view? TSS owns TSS' music, he can make his own decisions and they don't affect your musical career at all.
and the opposite point of view: soundwave trax "owns" his youtube channel, he can make his own decisions and they dont affect anyone really apart from helping people discover new chiptunes & get more into it
any desire to "just accept" it? probably not, you clearly believe strongly in something else
"just accept the opposite point of view" is an odd thing to say and you wouldnt have said it if you had already done it yourself. did you mean "just accept it, i'm right" or did you mean "let's stop talking about it"? either way begging for people to prematurely end a discussion which you were happily partaking in a few posts ago is another cool chipscene trope 
I think a channel like that is great, I totally accept it. Had he uploaded my music I would have not only accepted it but been happy about it.
I'm not telling people to end the discussion, I'm saying that both points of view are valid and therefor trying to find a singular "correct" answer is going to be fruitless. Morever, being rude about it like kfaraday was isn't going to help.
If your argument is that TSS simply shouldn't be allowed to control the rights to his music, then I'll tell you that I simply disagree and you're correct in saying I'll probably have a hard time ever accepting that.
EDIT: And yes, obviously soundwave owns his channel but that's not what's being argued over. He can autonomously make any decisions that pertains to his own IP or IP that he is licensed to use. What's being argued here is that TSS' IP was not properly licensed for soundwave's use.
Last edited by jefftheworld (Oct 5, 2013 9:49 pm)