bod wrote:@noobstar: that's how I learned it too. And I still like the concept. There's no black magic happening or's just messing around with a tracker. So I don't understand, why people have to keep their files top secret. 
On a general notice: don't expect too much. These are just files that show my own learning curve with klystrack. There are a lot of lazy workarounds and plain stupid things in there. Just check out Kinetic Machinery. I hadn't get my head around the arp and you can clearly see this in the instrument panel.
Edit: And yes...I used samples in some places because I didn't want to miss trying out that feature.
Yeah I don't know why people don't share their source files. Back in the old days of the demoscene it was kind of a point of pride to show off your mad tracking skills
I remember people doing all sorts of crazy shit for no other reason than going "look what I did there!," like using pattern jump commands to make patterns run backwards and whatnot. Personally I think it's the sharing of these source files that evolved tracking to where it got.
When I look at my first Klystrack files, there's also a LOT of shitty workarounds in there haha. Things that don't make sense and make me cringe a bit like having to use 3-4 instruments to do something I can now do with a single instrument. While Klystrack works very much like any other trackers, there's also this weird side to it where you have to re-learn a lot of stuff. But overall, I just fucking love this software. It has just the right balance of limitations and freedom. You can make super oldschool stuff with it and you can make it sound huge as all hell if you want.
I use the sample a LOT, but pretty much never to play a straight up sample. I use it as an extra oscillator basically, either to fatten up a sound, or give it a bit of a different texture from the standard oscillators. I use FM pretty much the same way, just to add a touch of texture to some sounds.
Anyways.. maybe we should do a Klystrack collab at some point 
Every CD is carefully manufactured and then placed in my armpits for an entire week. The funky smell is what gives it collector value. In 20 years you'll see those CDs pop up on Ebay as "first generation armpit n00bstar CDs".
@bod & komet
I think it's high time to formalize Klystrack and redo the distro package. A lot of the example songs packaged with it don't play right in the new versions. There's a definite lack of user-friendliness to the package. We should perhaps make a couple of new example songs, and a proper instrument library to get people started with the synth engine. I could continue my tutorials, edit them into some html package or something and include those in. Get a proper webpage setup with nifty little pixelated graphics (ilkke, that's your call...). Find a way to sync pc/mac/linux builds for every new release etc. I have a domain that's paid for, just needs a little hosting and I'm more than willing to use it to spread the klystrack love around.