Hey guys, I'm havocCc from Germany and I create Chiptune music since 2011.
Actually I only got into Chiptune by accident. There's a German Youtuber called coldmirror who happened to make a FAQ video and one of the answers to the question what music she likes was Chiptune. I immediately searched for Chiptune on Youtube since I never heard about this kind of music before and I still remember the very first Chiptune song I listened to:
8-Bit Soldier - Capture This
From this moment I was instantly hooked with this music and started listening to it on a daily basis and eventually ended up producing it myself.
You can find my stuff here:
Non-Chiptune related blog: lucidhavoc.tumblr.com
Fun Fact: The name "havocCc" is actually connected to my real name. In the X-Men comics from Marvel there's a mutant called Havok, whos real name is Alex Summers. My real name is Alex Sommer (german for summer). The "cCc" is because the name was already taken with 1 and 2 C's on soundcloud 
Peace and Love to all of you