im in for anything brawthers
I talked to him about the prospect of bringing me over and he didn't want a bar of it. hahaha.
Maybe you need to push it for me? haha.
Haha I don't think I have any sway... maybe some hypnosis?
Me, oldgreywolf, and never might do a little gig in Wellington. If anyone wants to come they can.
Re: Camp A Low Hum I also heard Bit Shifters name mentioned although talked to Josh on IRC about it a while back and he obviously had no idea
I am still going to try and get something happening at next years camp even if it is just workshops or something... Gigs can happen in Brisbane any time as well if you let me know I will slot you in
Gigs can happen in Brisbane any time as well if you let me know I will slot you in
I could be keen for that! I'd like to play a few other shows, make a mini tour out of it
Yo New Zealand bros, I just released my e.p so be a bro and go have a listen bro!
Here: … kely-hero/
Or leave a comment! Even if it just says bro, it's the New Zealand way.
FuturNari I listened to some songs from your ep. I really like them The drums are cool in the first song.
Cheers guys! Yeah I was jealous of people who had awesome percussion in their songs haha so I made myself focus really hard on the noise channel and learnt some cool stuff while I was at it!
Your ep's mean as bro! Being serious too
Haha thanks a lot man! It's not always easy to tell whether "bros" are serious haha, but thanks for listening!
Hey bros! Hope all is well with everyone just thought I'd post a link to my friend who is new to the chip scene,
This is his first upload of a song so go say hi!
He is a rad dude and would be a great asset to our potential chip scene so hopefully he'll keep it up!
Nice one! Tell him to come here and upload some music.
Blah. I'll poke my head in here.
OK, I'm based in Wellington-ish, am studying at Victoria University of Wellington (not located in Victoria sorry), and I happen to make at least some chip music (I tend to do more sampled stuff, though), mostly in SchismTracker.
I have an account, "iamgreaser", on 8bitcollective, and just uploaded something which is something I might finish and submit to OldGreyWolf's collection type thing (although I might just stick with, ahem, something else =D (hint: xaimus would approve)). No I am not posting a link just yet as this is my first post and putting a link in your first post is not a good look, I would suggest someone else post it if necessary - it's called "hurfs without durfs".
Last edited by GreaseMonkey (Sep 22, 2010 9:35 am)