Vancouver, BC

I lurked for a long time on this forum, only posting a couple of times...
Only now that I have some creative chip-related projects underway do I feel 'qualified' to post, almost.

The reason seems clear to me-- it's not that I'm only interested in talking about my own stuff. Rather, there are just so many people here doing great music and great hardware, software projects that I used to get the overwhelming feeling of 'aww, can I play too!'. Sort of like being at a Halloween party without a costume... or maybe more like being at a car show where everyone has cool cars, and you've got something in your garage you're working on but it's not ready yet. Know what I mean?


I lurked for a long long time too. Mostly because I was only listening casually to chip music, and wasn't making any strictly chip music. I didn't like most of it... tbh I still don't wink  I think people who listen casually to chip music are invaluable. /random thoughts

Last edited by gizmo (Nov 7, 2010 3:29 am)


I think because 'chipmusic' forums have unfortunately developed  a growing flaw  of stupidity in its fashion with communication of the people who take part. It's initial supportive process of supporting the scene as a whole and novelty eventually slides, though thankfully still shows prominent at it seems.

Basically, I don't think everyone joins a forum in support of their own interest.

Last edited by CS (Nov 7, 2010 12:46 pm)