It's all good dude ! Just use whatever you think works for the theme
I really can't even think of anything good for this one! Jeeze, you picked a hard one Rex
I'll just try to make something that sounds a little bit like a mix between something by Capcom and Konami combined with a bit of my own spin on it and hope that it turns out good .
rockin' guitars pizza and shootin' robots
all u need to know man
rockin' guitars pizza and shootin' robots
all u need to know man
guitar rockin' robots shootin' pizza
Wait, a NEW biweekly thread?!!! Did Arlen pass the torch to 8BR? Or are we trying to crank out double the amount of tunes? Sorry... been on chip-hiatus.
damn i thought this one would come easy to me but im really struggling with the little bit of time ive had
Dearest 2PLAYER,
After this competition, thine reign of tyranny and terror shalt be at an end.
Enjoy thine last remaining breaths as the Bi-Weekly champion, fere...
For a straight bangin-eth track hast I wrought, and thou shalt kneel before me you mother fucker.
Thine words are meaningless. All who oppose me shalt be smote.
oh snap i just realized we have two weeks now , i was thinking i had to finish by tonight, nice!
Why so SIRIUS?
Satellite Radio.xm
That's got to be a module file somewhere...
Oh the burns us....
Seriously though, this 2 weeks is killing me...I upload too quickly...and I really did take my time on this tune this time I swear! Maybe I'll go back and tweak it...?