(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I really like dr sid for percussive sounds.

I have some stuff on my soundcloud that uses both plug-ins exclusively, but the music is really bad hahaha.

https://soundcloud.com/lucas-noah-1/set … ebit-stuff


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

PURE6581 and Dr. SID. For being free plug-ins,  you can get some really great sounds out of them. Dr. Sid. is all drums and sfx. I use pure for melodies and such, but you can make percussive sounds if you want.


(7 replies, posted in Past Events)

If only I had thought of the all-in-1 buskbox months ago... Too bad I don't live in CT, man.

Hey gnarly dudes and dudettes, nitro and I just did our second collaboration.  This was an original composition by nitropulse and me (previously lucasnoah) and we think we killed it. Let us know what you think and feel free to criticize.

https://soundcloud.com/lucas-noah-1/the … e-download

Bit wish wrote:

It reminds me of some of the stuff you would hear on 8bc years ago.

I hope that's a good thing hahahaha. Are you saying that we have a dated sound or that we meet the quality of the yesteryears?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mrwimmer wrote:

V commands don't stack at all, you can totally do a swell!  I use it for basically every single table ever.  Arps especially.

What have I been doing all this time?! I guess that's what 8 months of lsdj gets you. A really limited knowledge of awesome code. I feel like such a dingus.

How far do you stretch your second value?

What the heck double post?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What have I been doing all this time?! I guess that's what 8 months of lsdj gets you. A really limited knowledge of awesome code. Man, I feel like such a dingus.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mrwimmer wrote:

You don't really NEED to run a table from a table in this instance.  You can use a G command in a table to make the table run slower, conserve tables and make it less confusing to edit as well.

Right on man! I wasn't sure if putting a g command in would make the entire song's groove slow down. That's actually helpful for more situations other than just this one. Is it posibble to do a swell like that or do the V commands stack? Like, would a VF1 after a VF4 actually sound like VF5?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I just though of something, and being without my Gameboy makes it hard to prove, but can you run a table from a table. Say, for instance, I wanted to start a pulse instument at V00 and slowly grow the V command over 3 or 4 tables to VF6 and then return to V00. My brain says yes, but I can't ask my gameboy.

What do you think?

I'm shooting for a dynamic grit similar to some sid sounds without using a pwm wav synth. I already have one drawn in the project I'd be using this idea with. Just throwing out an idea that popped into the noggin.

Yo guys! I used to call myself lucasnoah, but I've changed my name to infodrive. LET'S GO!