payday is in 6 days....
if there are any left when I get money, I'll take one

i have this in my box o' junk. not comletely intact. was cut for a hhl 4 led backlight.

i never managed to finish my menu compiler for the ems card, so i am sure i can't write something to do this. if reading/writing sram is already implememnted, i guess I can survive manually building my roms.

wife probably won't approve the purchase until my next paycheck.

I suck at programming of all kinds. how exactly are the roms combined? any different from the simple alignment the ems cart needs?

any word on linux support? I want one, but don't want to fiddle with a vm or an old pc.

nitro2k01 wrote:
egr wrote:

Wicked!  Grabbing the rom now. Does it go on forever or will it eventually "break"?

If by break, you mean repeat, yes it will repeat after maybe a few minutes.
If by break, you mean crash, no it won't crash. Maybe if you rip out the cartridge it will crash. Maybe.

worked for over 10 minutes after I pulled the cart. doesn't look like that breaks it

Sesska wrote:
stargazer wrote:


'd'love to give this a try... but needs a password... PM ?

crap... i hate that windows server. will fix later today hopefully. sorry

edit: crappy link fixed. anyone else despise windows server?

on this subject, I use this fork that has multirom support. faster and easier to use than the windows gui in my opinion

also, udev rules are nice

#for my gameboy flash cart
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="4670", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9394", MODE:="0666"

also if you dont wish to compile yourself, I'll save yu a step if youre 64bit


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

my first prosound jack smile

you could also do it manually with the version. just use cat to combine the menu with your roms, paying attention to alighnment, and flash to a bank. the ems-flasher fork i linked does that for you, so its less work. the littlefm with ems multirom doesnt do save management, so its only good for lsdj and small utilities that dont touch sram.

also, i could be messing up on some details. if anyone sees anything i said wrong, please correct me.

link should work, but its a windows server, and i hate windows, so.... cross your fingers when downloading
my source dir with binaries for x86_64 linux.

I've also built it for the nokia n900. its fun to flash from my phone while on the bus or something.

the lackluser.whatever version works, but i believe it specifically mentions that he/she hasn't written multirom support yet. would google, read, and properly quote, but i'm lazy.

I use this fork that has multirom support:
it uses the new menu from motzilla with its nive save management feature, making it better than the official software in my opinion. it also seems to flash faster than the original software in my experience. never tried it on osx myself, but it should work the same.


(37 replies, posted in Trading Post)

would the reader/writer be usable on linux? I'm wanting a cart reader but can't find anything within my budget

I'd buy the box of crap, but I have $4 to live off of until the 19th. If you can refrain from trashing it that long, I claim it along with a bivert chip or two.

the silicone feel a little too short in a stock shell to me, but they fit perfectly in the custom shell I got from from kitsch-bent. I cant tell visually any difference in the thickness of the shells, so i guess its just like 1mm or so making a noticable difference.

also, i recognize that tube of solder and pump from one of your earlier pictures. seems we bought the same soldering iron kit.

mine arrived with all but one of those disc holding pins broken.

unfortunately it arrived right before my shift starts, so I won't be able to play it until after work.