Landon wrote an improved one that incorporates PSG called Genny.
It works pretty well, I like it, though the PCM/drum channel mapping is weird. I emailed him asking if there was any way I could remap it to standard GM mapping and got no response. It does have VGM file logging though, here's a track I made with it:
ine/16731/ I didn't spend any time fine tuning the mixing because there was about 2 hours left in the compo. I confused a LOT of people submitting a legit VGM file created purely with FL and a VST.
Apparently he also got drunk one night and ported MAME/Gens' YM2612 and PSG emulation from C++ to C#/XNA 4.0/Monogame and made a VGM player. It works pretty well and I plan on using it if I ever manage to get something on Xbox Live Indie Games on the 360. I asked his opinion on how difficult it would be to port MAME's YM2413 core into it but surprise, no response.
I'm pretty much done trying to interact with him directly since I might as well be interacting with a brick wall. At least I did get a steam key to beta test Duck Game. Still have a spare one if anyone wants it, but you need a modern style controller or at least a genesis 6 button.