(10 replies, posted in Sega)

I had the feeling that Genesis / Megadrive were more available / cheaper than original SMS. Besides, you can find a Megadrive Everdrive for very cheap on AliExpress (search for "Genesis/MD EDMD"). Of course, if you already have a SMS and an everdrive for sms, my post is not useful I'm afraid wink


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

just for the record, it's possible to put a SMS vgm (for example exported from deflemask) on an Everdrive for Megadrive / Genesis with this tool: http://mjsstuf.x10host.com/pages/vgmPlay/vgmPlay.htm

I think it will sound the same as if it was recorded from SMS because it's the same chip.

I only own an EMS 64 but I think drag n derp is easier to use (if I understand well it's like usb mass storage and will work out of the box from any OS like linux, mac os x), but it's quite expensive, around 90-100 €.

The EMS 64 is much cheaper (between 30-40 €), but requires drivers. The good thing with EMS 64 is there is an android app which can handle it well (if you phone / tablet is compatible).


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I've begun to use PMD98 for making music (thank you Noyemi for the good tutorial). It looks very interesting, yet I'm not very found of the MML (MMHell) syntax. In fact I'm used to the ABC notation syntax which is just easier and looks more logical. For example:

In ABC :

X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8 % you can define the base note here
K:C % 0 sharps
C2 D2 E2 F2|  G2 A2 B2 c2| d2 e2 f4| g2 ab c'4|]


t120 cdefgab>cdef2ga8b8>c2

Here are a few remarks:
- In ABC we add bars to separate mesures. It might look more readable (maybe it 's possible to do the same in MML).
- In abc, we have at least 4 visual octave ranges: C, C c and c' (C, being the lower). It's possible to add marks to get even lower, for example C,, or higher (c'')
It's also easier, in my opinion, to read (and write) music this way. Just by a quick glance, we can see if a part is lower than the other. After a few < > < < > in MML, it's more tedious.
- In ABC, we use the opposite for length of notes. If 1 is the base, 2 means it doubles the base length.
It may just be an habit, but the advantage is you can count to check if your mesure or part is complete or not:
d2 + e2 + f4 = 8
g2 + a + b + c'4 = 8

I wish someone make source based music processor using the ABC langage one day :=)

Btw 3ML is awesome to convert from midi to MML: http://3ml.jp/download.html


(50 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

yes, I'm using the bridge for editing the sounds with the dedicated editor and playing midi tracks from sequencers.

Here is a recording I've made, with a simple sound:

https://soundcloud.com/memento-somniare … musicbox-2


(50 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

@masl: I've seen it's not possible to comment on a kickstarter project if you haven't backed it. So I asked and the creator said it will be possible to order shields in the future, on his online shop (when it will be ready).

And I've finally got my shield:

It works well, and has a great clean sound. I managed to make it work with the LMMS sequencer (multi-track).


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

great guitars and chips! I like that. All that makes confortable layers of sounds.


(7 replies, posted in Sega)

It looks cool. I only use vgm (exported from deflemask) and converted with Dead Fish vgmPlay, but I'll gladly test your player as well when your tool for creating ROM will be available

I know close to 0 in programming such thing, but I managed to create a simple static image with a basic loader for the music, thanks to the documentations and some help on CPC forums.

Vortex Tracker is great, but for making music on Spectrum. There is indeed an option for using the frequency of the chip on a CPC. Yet, there is no option for the interrupt on CPC. Maybe it's not relevant, or maybe it's related to the sound problem (I mean maybe Arkos would handle this better). With Arkos or Starkos there are some players which can be used with basic or asm, probably they are more adapted than a pt3 player on CPC...

The French Touch has set up an Apple II with a dual Mockingboard (which you can find more pictures there (from the creator of this clone)):


It sounds and looks cool smile

Very cool to know that, i'm impatient to use it!

i've just discovered this cool project:


I don't think I can easily get a kit because I'm not in USA, but at least maybe I'll try to make a derivative version from a regular arduino...

I got a Megadrive 1, and I find the sound quite smoother than the one from emulation. I thought square tones (PSG) and FM sounds could be easily emulated, and even if it's probably the case, the rest like DAC will make much difference.

Here is the new recording:

https://soundcloud.com/garvalf/what-was … valf-music

Comparison with the one I've uploaded on chipmusic.org: http://chipmusic.org/garvalf/music/what … the-bottle

But what we all came for is the FM. This track has an incredibly expressive and sharp metallic slap bass driving the entire thing.

so do you think the bass we see in the video clip is a fake bass, or a bass driving a midi synth adapter?

It looks very nice!