I've seen this thread. I thought it would only ship in September. You're lucky you got it that fast!
241 Jun 2, 2016 7:41 am
Re: Another new ZX is Spanish (Not "vintage"! :) ) (20 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
242 Jun 2, 2016 7:29 am
Re: Yerzmyey chip-gig in "Polikultura" festival, May 2016, Krakow (2 replies, posted in Past Events)
Cool concert and pictures!
There are even headbangers (metal fans?) with Atari T-shirt!
It must have been great to be there...
243 Jun 1, 2016 10:35 pm
Re: New to maxYMiser- I think I might cry. (55 replies, posted in Atari)
Wow, thanks a lot for this new version, i'll have a look and i'll send you some feedback!
244 Jun 1, 2016 9:31 pm
Re: New to maxYMiser- I think I might cry. (55 replies, posted in Atari)
Talking about trackers for Atari ST, fedepede04 made a nice windows trackers which can export music on Atari ST (ym format), you can grab it there: http://www.fedepede04.dk/Ym2149.html (I'm just trying it now...)
There is also Vortex Tracker II which can export to sndh format, even though I've always used it for my Sinclair ZX spectrum in AY format... http://bulba.untergrund.net/vortex_e.htm
245 Jun 1, 2016 3:32 pm
Re: New to maxYMiser- I think I might cry. (55 replies, posted in Atari)
not that I understand what that means or why
again, I recommend you to read this good manual which covers most of the tricks of maxymiser: http://preromanbritain.com/maxymiser/ma by_xia.pdf
Everything in maxymiser is about sequences, which is the representation of what you would otherwise have seen graphically in other (windows based) trackers.
Mix YM mixer sequence. This is absolutely crucial for sound generation. An empty sequence here is going to result in an in-
strument with no sound. Rather than explain all values here, I’m just going to give you the most common combinations /.../
10 00 Noise
01 00 Square
00 10 Buzz (requires you to set Buzz Wave to $8, $a, $c$e)
01 05 SID (requires a timer sequence of “00 0f, 00 00”)
00 1b SyncBuzz (similar to buzz, but stays in tune in
higher octaves ...at a CPU cost. It is similar to the
“sync” function sometimes found in analog synths)
00 05 SID with custom waveform (last nibble in timer
sequence gives waveform)
00 0d DigiSample sound (choose sample with DigiSample
field just below)
I read something saying that I won't even be able to use the 2 sample channels unless I have an Atari STE (I only have Steem which is an ST emulator I think?) Is this true?
As XyNo said, emulators can emulate STe, which has a dma for using such samples. That being said, the final sndh file will only work on real STE, and not older Atari ST, but it's probably not really a problem.
When I press space bar it doesn't go grey it goes like, with pink lines in between the green bit?
strange, but maybe it's different according to the emulator or the TOS rom used or other settings (my Maxymiser has a dominant yellow skin).
is there a way I can edit the notes manually like what octave they are and stuff?
No, I don't think so. You can only change instruments, but not octaves, unlike some other trackers. You have to retype the note again (and change octave with F1 to F5 or F6)
If you want you can have a look at my reviews of a few trackers there: http://garvalf.online.fr/index.php?page s_trackers
There is also this page which is recommended: http://battleofthebits.org/lyceum/View/Tracker
246 May 31, 2016 3:35 pm
Re: New to maxYMiser- I think I might cry. (55 replies, posted in Atari)
To be able to enter notes, go into "note edit mode" by pressing space, then the background will be grey.
If you still don't get music, have you tried loading songs or instruments?
With a 05 in the mix sequence, I don't think it would make some sound. Try 01 00 instead (square waves). 01 05 is for SID effects and requires extra settings. 00 05 is for SID custom waveforms and needs also more settings.
Are you aware of this good manual?
http://preromanbritain.com/maxymiser/ma by_xia.pdf
Besides maxymiser, on Atari ST there is also musicmon, which is easier to use for creating songs, but have some drawbacks on the other hand (the orderlist is horrible to use in my opinion): http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/13445
There are also others, but they might be even more difficult to use.
If you're looking for something else than Atari St, I'd recommend you deflemask, vortex tracker, arkos tracker, famitracker...
247 May 31, 2016 12:05 pm
Re: PocketC.H.I.P. and Pico-8 Tracker? (58 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
maxymizer with hatari...
sidwizard with vice
adlib tracker II
they should all work.
248 May 31, 2016 9:21 am
Re: HTML5 / Ogg Vorbis support for the forums?... (21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
I was not talking about mp3 vs ogg/vorbis, here we can't submit music in vorbis so it will be 0%, I was talking about audio stream (mp3 or vorbis in the future), versus formats like SID or YM. I prefer to keep native formats, but audio is easier to replay (except when it's in flash) and you can also propose recordings from original consoles or computers. The best would be like on battle of the beats, with native + mp3 (or vorbis).
http://www.cnet.com/news/google-to-bloc es-exempt/
The inexorable slide into a world without Flash continues, with Google revealing plans to phase out support for Adobe's Flash Player in its Chrome browser for all but a handful of websites. And the company expects the changes to roll out by the fourth quarter of 2016.
While it says Flash might have "historically" been a good way to present rich media online, Google is now much more partial to HTML5, thanks to faster load times and lower power use.The inexorable slide into a world without Flash continues, with Google revealing plans to phase out support for Adobe's Flash Player in its Chrome browser for all but a handful of websites. And the company expects the changes to roll out by the fourth quarter of 2016.
While it says Flash might have "historically" been a good way to present rich media online, Google is now much more partial to HTML5, thanks to faster load times and lower power use.
249 May 31, 2016 8:37 am
Re: New to maxYMiser- I think I might cry. (55 replies, posted in Atari)
MaYMiser is cool, but it's true it's not easy to make instruments. Once you get used to it, it's a bit better.
I think there are some sample instruments with the maYMiser archive, you could check this out first, you can also load some sample tunes and check if this work.
I advise you to setup an harddrive instead of using a floppy image so it'll be easier to share files between your computer and the ST emulator (I'm using hatari with gemdos drive).
Also for navigating into the patterns, you can use the arrows by default, but if you've redirected them for emulating joystick, then you won't be able to use them in the tracker.
Good luck
250 May 29, 2016 7:47 am
Re: Game boy Color shell repainting? (12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I think too that looks great this way but maybe it's just the picture!
251 May 27, 2016 11:21 am
Re: Raster Music Tracker (RMT) (29 replies, posted in Atari)
I'm happy it could help people discovering this tracker, which looks like one of the best for POKEY music. Too sad the author passed away :'(
I've found a workaround for my problem on Linux/Wine. Just select the "0" step, then hit the "alt" key, it should lock the step option. If it doesn't stay, try "alt+1" for example. It worked for me!
252 May 26, 2016 7:44 pm
Re: Raster Music Tracker (RMT) (29 replies, posted in Atari)
it's the same in qwerty, yes. I guess if this step change option wasn't in the toolbox, it wouldn't behave this way. I've also tried to hide the toolbox, but it's the same. I've also use a virtual midi keyboard for entering notes, but I can only enter one note, then I have to focus again on RMT, back to the virtual keyboard, and I can play a second note, so it's not an option. I might open an issue on the wine bugtracker. Most other windows trackers I'm using either works fine (vortex tracker) or don't start at all (WyzTracker). Ah, and there's also the beepola sound problem... but it's the first time I encounter such an issue in an exe started with wine.
253 May 26, 2016 3:53 pm
Re: Tinting Gameboy Shells (10 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
That's exactly my thinking. Although finding the right method is hell.
Why not transparent spray like this one: http://shop.molotow.com/en/Cans/Can-Spe 400ml.html
254 May 26, 2016 1:21 pm
Re: Raster Music Tracker (RMT) (29 replies, posted in Atari)
I'm trying to use RMT on Linux. I can launch it using Wine, and all looks correct. However, the problem is when I enter a note, then the "step" option (default set to 1) will increase to 2, 3, 4 etc, making it tedious to use for entering any note. Any idea?
255 May 26, 2016 11:44 am
Re: Tinting Gameboy Shells (10 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
maybe a transparent painting which cover the inside?
256 May 18, 2016 7:25 am
Topic: EMS 64 cart in a GBA / NDS (1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I don't own a GBA, but a Nintendo DS. I have an EMS 64 card for my DMG, and I see it should fit in a GBA. The Nintendo DS can use GBA cards, yet, the EMS card doesn't fit in the DS (it's the same size, but there are marks in the DS which make sure you can't insert original GB carts into it. So is the EMS really compatible with GBA? Now I'm thinking they didn't make the marks in the GBA support but they made in the GBA cards (and the same in the DS), that would explain something...