talking about SidWizard in stereo, I wanted to know if it is possible to convert from midi to sidwizard, but for 6 voices. I've tried:

./SWMconvert music.mid music.sws but it doesnt' seem to work. Any hint? Maybe it's not possible after all...

I think the only way is to convert 3 of the midi tracks and then 3 others in a new sidwizard instance, and copy (by hand) from one to the other.

Beside chips, the instruments which inspire me the most are electric guitars (with tons of saturation), violin, harpsichord and musicbox.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can get this song if you wish:
Maybe not typical of lsdj chiptune songs...

(here is an audio rendering: … e-du-chene )

CR2032 would be too big, the battery size for the backup is CR1620 (or CR1616 but I think they last shorter and are more expensive).

I've just bought a pack of CR1620 to change the backup batteries on my TI so I won't loose any work.

I'm also wondering if it wouldn't be possible to connect the TI to a 6V psu for powering it...


(50 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I've just backed the project. But only 3 days to go, and more than 2500 € are still missing. I fear it won't be backed. In this case, could it still be possible to get one shield?

you can probably use a metal brush and clean those contacts

Probably he's asking if you can build for him a GameBoy with some specific colors, buttons, backlight, prosound and such...

Some more informations...

If you're interested into 1bit (beeper) music, then have a look at our forum there:
Beyond Beepola (which is really cool), there is also other ways to create beeper music. More infos: … format%29/

Most of the time, you'll be using cross compilation (from your PC) to create the music, it's quite tedious to make it on a real spectrum.

For AY music, Vortex Tracker is very good too (it's a PC tool). You can find useful informations there:

If you really want to make music from your Spectrum, there are some software for this.
Have a look at this thread: … or-speccy/

and some more info (how to load stuff and such, from emulator but some commands are relevant for real spectrum) on my website … racker3.en

A very good music made for ZX81 (with extension), by the master Yerzmyey:

Try beepola (1bit music) and vortex tracker (ay/ym 8bit music)


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Slayer on chips! Really good!


(4 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

nice tool and music @4mat !

Es ist sehr gut!
Very good work, well done!

It seems it's possible to compile fceux on Mac … ite-10-10/

Thanks for the musicmon instruments!
Do you know if it's possible to order the tracks in a more convenient way than the "songpos" on the top right corner?


(50 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Salut Frédéric !

See, someone already talked about your project here: … ckstarter/
(but you did well to start a more visible thread)

I'll probably get one and back this project!

I guess it's purely FM, there is no PSG like sounds (square waves) like on the megadrive?

Probably it wouldn't be an option for everyone, but for the workshop and if you don't find your 10 GB in time, maybe people could just use their smartphone, a GB emulator, and a bluetooth controller, you can find some on ebay for as low as 4 €