(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's a thing I had an issue with a while back: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/18845 … wo-shades/

Note where I cut the traces. Make sure you're not having the same issue.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

4mat wrote:

What the heck does that even mean?  It's not just changing some colours on the vblank mate, there is a lot of very cycle-specific stuff going on between the code, the music and the sid reads.

He's saying HE is in denial, not you guys. Basically he's just saying he really wants a cart and thinks the whole thing is super cool (as do I) so responding that way comes across kind of mean IMO.

If you do use unregulated power, just be aware that the backlight brightness will go down as your batteries die. That may or may not be an issue for you. We used to desolder the power indicator LED for the backlight, but we switched to the regulated power source.

BennVenn claims to have a drop in replacement power regulator ready to go. So it's possible that you could simply upgrade your regulator if/when he finishes it. Until then, yeah I'd probably go with the unregulated power.


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

freezedream wrote:

That cart looks amazing! The clear case works really well. Nice!

Thanks! I'm super stoked about it. There will be a very good reason for the clear-ness as well wink


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

cyberic wrote:

What player should we test our song on? if it plays correctly on Deflemask, it should be OK, right?

Yep! You can send me a "preview" .VGM so I can make sure it will work correctly as well if you're worried about it!


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

I had some cart labels printed up as a test for YM2017. It will be a clear cart shell with a clear label. The design is nowhere near complete, but I think the look will work! There's still plenty of time to get your submission ready! Really looking forward to this release!


(29 replies, posted in Trading Post)

chris2600 +1


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

I love this! Also love your presentation style. You just can't beat a GB Micro eh?

Awesome man! Feel so much better about this for you than the RCG deal. Stoked for Gameboy life. Super happy your stuff is for sale again!

toasterpastries wrote:

One guy plays C64 (Cynthcart I think) and GB Color (not sure what software)

That guy is Joshua and he uses LSDJ with a PS/2 keyboard.

The Laohu wrote:

And catskull, but I'm not actually sure how much music he makes. He makes awesome gear, though.

heart heart heart

The nanoloop website says analog sync was added in 2.7.6. I personally don't have a copy of 2.3, but I doubt it works.


Bumping this. I added SSL to my sites using cloudflare. It's super easy. Basically all you have to do change your nameservers to be cloudflare's nameservers. Also free. I am willing to help set it up!

ISPs will soon be able to sell your browsing history. The last thing I need is anyone finding out I still visit cm.o! big_smile

Replacement sync adapters have been recieved and tested. They are shipping out now! If you haven't requested replacements, or you've been waiting to order, do it now!

Here's a little Google searching:

The DS is not 60Hz either. According to GBATEK's excellent docs, the DS video runs at 59.8261 Hz, which is 0.15% faster than the GBA's 59.737 Hz.

I'm not sure if the DS actually changes it's video refresh rate to match the GBA's, it's not in the documents. However, the difference is so small the only way to find out is by capturing footage of both a DS and GBA running the same game in sync for several hours and see if they go out of sync.

It's possible, however unlikely, that Oliver could fix it in software. Similar to the way LSDJ was fixed for super game boy.


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

You can use VGM Music Maker to write your song as well! Basically anything that can export a .VGM will work. I've included a download for it on the website.

Catskull Electronics is willing to do anything I can to help!