You could try completely erasing the sram using my tutorial here: … -cart.html

I sort of doubt it will work, but at this point you likely just have a dead cart.

Do you have another gameboy you could try it on?


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What exactly are you wanting? Someone to mod your gameboy, or someone to sell you a pre modded gameboy?


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

BennVenn wrote:

Cool app, Thanks for coding it!

You're welcome Ben!

Sorry if this isn't strictly chip-related. I find it somewhere in between circuit-bending and experimental electronic music. This performance is done by one person, both visuals and audio. A curses based graphics library writes text to the screen depending on what is being played, while the music is generated based on keyboard input.

I don't have adequate words to describe what this is, but I thought some of you might find it interesting, as I did.


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh, sorry I thought you meant you had already reversed the whole thing.


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sweet! Open source Trippy-H. Are you posting the code anywhere?

Yeah that's super weird....I am using the exact same equipment you are and I don't have that issue. Maybe try super fresh alkaline batteries or a power adapter?

You definitely don't need any special roms on you ems cart. If you leave the ems cart unplugged from the mega mem and boot into the mega mem does it work?

darthnumbers wrote:
catskull wrote:

Pretty much a gameboy will always buzz a little bit. I don't think what you're describing is anything out of the ordinary. As for the left/right audio issue, yeah you probably botched the soldering. I'd be shocked if you broke the jack though. Grab a multimeter and check for continuity.

Ahh, gotcha. I'm a little confused by the weird change in buzz I get when I press A or Start in LSDJ (it happens when actually selecting notes, but not during playback), and it plays through the speakers, so there's feedback through the speakers related to my input, even when the sound is off.

Gotcha, I'll have another look at the soldering-- the pro sound definitely works, the ear I can hear through has great sound quality! I just gotta fix the connections.

Yeah there's something to do with a power saving feature implemented in LSDJ that causes that. When playback starts, that feature is turned off and it should not buzz when you press buttons. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you're still well within the limits of normal. I mean a gameboy was designed to play tetris for a 10 year old with crappy headphones so the audio isn't perfect. You'll likely want to do some noise reduction in post-processing.

Pretty much a gameboy will always buzz a little bit. I don't think what you're describing is anything out of the ordinary. As for the left/right audio issue, yeah you probably botched the soldering. I'd be shocked if you broke the jack though. Grab a multimeter and check for continuity.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Glad that worked. Did you realize that there are three colors of LED's on that panel, so you could hook one or all of them up to create different colors?


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Switch the red and black wires and see what happens


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Super GameBoy is gone. One powerpak still available.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Seems like the ASM ones had a built in resistor.

PDF Format had one of the best channels on youtube of all time. Along with that video, here are my 3 favorites:

Also, I believe the taco references are talking about using a 3.5mm jack for a midi port on a gameboy dubbed taco midi.