I actually really really like the Text to Speech parts. This is really solid all around. Thanks.
257 Mar 30, 2011 3:15 am
Re: II56 - MisfitChris - Famicom Sessions (25 replies, posted in Releases)
258 Mar 25, 2011 4:58 am
Re: Bands using the same band name as you. (193 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My dad's name is Jay Tholen Sr.... hope he doesn't try stealing my junk.
259 Mar 15, 2011 5:42 am
Re: [US - Lakeland,Fl.] Nestrogen,Jay Tholen,Brett Moots..[$3 ALL AGES] (4 replies, posted in Past Events)
260 Mar 14, 2011 4:09 pm
Re: Jay Tholen - Blood Fete [fanatical prog/psych/dub] (23 replies, posted in Releases)
261 Mar 8, 2011 5:25 pm
Re: The Kickstarter Covers (3 replies, posted in Releases)
Heyyy! Sounds promising... I'll listen a little later.
262 Mar 3, 2011 7:39 pm
Re: It's a Surprise (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
my favorite part is the mantra
264 Feb 28, 2011 5:29 pm
Re: DKSTR - Some Places (16 replies, posted in Releases)
This is great! Right up my alley. Thanks for posting.
265 Feb 27, 2011 3:31 am
Re: Jay Tholen - Blood Fete [fanatical prog/psych/dub] (23 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks Kinetic. I'm glad you're able to fully appreciate all the sonic elements, haha. I have this weird tick where I MUST completely fill/muddy up the spectrum or the song feels incomplete.
Finally found $5 to spare. Thanks for making music that is good. I enjoy people who can engage their faith intelligently in their art, so thanks for that as well.
I appreciate it! That's definitely one of my big goals.
266 Feb 26, 2011 9:25 pm
Re: Jay Tholen - Blood Fete [fanatical prog/psych/dub] (23 replies, posted in Releases)
^^ Thanks y'all!
267 Feb 25, 2011 10:54 pm
Re: Specific sounds that you love/hate (81 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I absolutely hate and despise chip-jazz. I am generally somewhat queasy about the FM Genesis sound (especially the bass and drums). I like that talky-wav-bass-sound in LSDJ. I like really deep bass sounds in a movie score. I like the sound of turning pages.
I started out that way about the FM sounds but kind of grew to appreciate them a bit. Especially when I heard George & Jonathan's newest.... which has a little of that but makes it wayy more accessible.
And I really like Ubik/Pause's jazzy stuff.
268 Feb 25, 2011 6:55 pm
Re: Video interview with Morton Subotnick (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Good stuff. Makes me want to get into modular more.
269 Feb 24, 2011 11:35 pm
Re: My Band's EP (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I like the songwriting and the lyrics are alright (sometimes bordering on clever) buuut I'm not big on the vocals. Too much of that chest-y tonally-accurate 'ouuhHhHhHh' with overly clear white-dude-annunciation. Go off pitch more! And the autopan on "shoo-bop" is annoying in that one song.
Guitar/bass/drums are good.
'Just You' from your demo thing is probably my favorite out of everything and works okay as a worship tune.
EDIT: and yeah... everyone has a pretty good point about posting this on a forum called 'chipmusic'...
270 Feb 23, 2011 4:05 am
Re: this is why I'm a chip musician (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Someone link him to this thread. He'll be a celebrity here.
271 Feb 23, 2011 2:33 am
Re: Fantasy Blip Festival 2011 (295 replies, posted in General Discussion)
272 Feb 22, 2011 7:40 pm
Re: Specific sounds that you love/hate (81 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Doogie piano is a good example of a sound used as a bad cliche- to me, there are no good/bad sounds, only good/bad contexts to put them in. Since I started off with FM synths and midi, I've used the doogie piano and don't mind it. I've also used the sonic-ring bell and the seinfeld slap bass.
The problem with any sound that becomes a famous cliche is that if you don't use it in a way that the listener thinks is refreshing, that listener will be bored and move on. Doesn't matter if it's a synth, a drum set, or a guitar, a harmonica, accordion, whatever.
I guessss I agree. MOST of the time I hear that specific DX-7 patch I really really hate the context though. I like FM synthesis, just not that specific sound.