Chiptune is a *genre* of *pop music*
Oh, people here are going to love this one.
Interesting article though, I enjoyed reading through it, but I'm not really sure if he's making any kind of statement with it. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Chiptune is a *genre* of *pop music*
Oh, people here are going to love this one.
Interesting article though, I enjoyed reading through it, but I'm not really sure if he's making any kind of statement with it.
herr_prof wrote:I don't really want to be part of a community that values process over results
big words form mr. "true chip till death"
I've thought this every time someone trashes someone who puts out a killer song but uses auto-tune to do it. I don't care how they got there if the song ends up being awesome.
I thing Chipmusic makers like ourselves often deal with some form of Elitist Ego complex where we always want to prove that Chipmusic is in all ways "Just as good" as other music. This is where most people run into problems because chipmusic, (almost by definition, ex. GB is 4-bit sound) is LOWER QUALITY(fidelity?/resolution?) AUDIO than the public is used to listening to.
We have all gotten past this as something to be expected; but the fact still stands that the majority of the public is used to high quality/fidelity.
This is the reason you'll find little (see:none) pure chipmusic on a site like OCRemix, because having high fidelity sound is one of their standards. It doesn't insult chipmusic to say so, because these are the limitations within which we've chosen to abide. But we must recognize that it does mean that a large factor of what the modern public looks for in their music is MISSING from chipmusic.
TL;DR = The public is often put-off by how low-fidelity (lacking in complex textures and timbres) chipmusic is. This says nothing about the composition, arrangement, programming, or even mastering of said chipmusic, but it does still affect how people perceive it.
Also let it be known that in most cases I support OCRemix in their decision to pass by on chipmusic remixes, because OCRemix really isn't our niche.
Any idea when/if the combo will be back in stock. As soon as I saw it I wanted it, but I'm out of money until mid April.
Sorry for the late response, I believe the combo is back in stock now
Getting e-mails is always nice.
Right, long story short I just tested M commands on a wav channel and you get the full 8 steps of control, I don't really see many practical uses for this though (unless you use the panning trick to achieve volume independence, which would totally work, but isn't the most practical thing to do).
At any rate, it's always cool finding new tricks. Personally I just either write volume changes into the synth, or just mix things properly and it comes out in the wash.
M commands have an 8 step resolution rather than the WAV channel's 4 step. Since it's altering the master, it should alter the WAV volume too.
If the wav instrument is playing a solo all by itself you could always fiddle with the volume pot if you are post-pot-pro-sounded? derp
If it's playing by itself just use M commands,
Alternatively you could mix your wav channel full left and everything else full right, then use M commands to change volume on the stereo channels independently.
I'm loving Merciless!
Cooshinator wrote:Wrong program
Ah I see, OP didn't really specify what he was talking about so I assumed. Never jump to conclusions.
I very nearly jumped to a similar conclusion, then I noticed it's in the LGPT forum.
Cool project, I love to see new mods still coming around, I may check one of these out sometime soon.
Or another more cynical way of looking at it is yet another way for some middleman to siphon money off of your transactions. i.e. Patreon and their credit card service take 8% of all the money that gets funnelled through it, much like how Kickstarter works. This is the real motivation for automatic monthly payments.
So... for a $20 payment, you are paying them $1.60 to "help" you give $18.40 to some artist you like. Great. You would normally get more money to them sending that $20 through Paypal, and at least Paypal is pretty up-front about being a middleman. Or you could just mail them a cheque! It'd probably get there before the end of the month.
That's true, but you can't expect to get something for nothing, they're providing you with a platform for your blog, a method of maintaining a database of paying customers, and a means of distributing content to all of those customers. Surely that's worth 8%. 92% of something is better than 100% of nothing.
Definitely looks interesting. I could see it being used as a way to guarantee album sales and keep artists moving with things. Could lead to an all new music sharing model. Good to see people like Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn on there too.
For example, Jack is now getting $1,807 PER VIDEO, even though he'll release them for free anyways, free money is always nice.
I went and bought the standard Xenyx 802, don't think I need the USB, and I already know it's a decent mixer, I've been using my buddy's.
Also, using a form is smart. People never use those to their full potential really. / Forums / Posts by Zef