(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I think a better use of web technologies would be rad. Not only full lenght albums, but also using a dedicated database to store the date of release instead of delegating this in the date of the file, this simple hack is rad, but I think we can preserve the look but doing a better backend for this data.

I offer a little bit of my time and my skillz to do this. Also, if we found a CMS to get this clean since the beggining (something like Drupal) so we can control better the workflow for releases instead doing things in the "old way".

I'm cool with changes and I'm always with you guys big_smile

herr_prof wrote:


Whatever he says talking about teh pig, is good wink

I was about to write almost the same thing! With really simple waveforms, using the instrument screen wisely you can get monster tones and a very decent chip emulation.

Go to the wiki and check out the Tipz and Trikz section: http://wiki.littlegptracker.com/doku.ph … ips_tricks


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

I'm writting songs for this time smile I would like to use all the formats that I have chance to use or I already used (NES, GB, wildcard, zx beeper, C64, SMS and 24kb mod). I'm also planning to compose this tracks to be also part of my next release.

Even if I'm refloating this old thread, I think it's a good way for me to hook back again to this community smile

sergeeo wrote:

I live in Sevilla (Spain) and I can say that we are creating some chiptune community here. This is really great, because this place is really small. We don't have events 'à la Blip', but we do different things like workshops and different live acts. In Barcelona there's a quite interesting scene too.

Same here, we live in the same city. We don't have very regular events with a lot of scene, but we're starting to build one, since Sergeeo with some friends started some kind of beautyful a periodic geek fest called Familiar Fest, where they bound micromusic and chiptune to another genres of experimental electronic music, noise, circuit bending and diy circuits workshops.

In the other hand I made a show in the city with another guy I found out in 8bc called SidBoy who also lives in the same city, then Sergeeo and I meet each other and teamed up to do things in and out the internet.

In the internets we made among other users of this community another collective (CulturaChip) aimed towards spanish and portuguese speakers to meet each other, collaborate, generate documentation in our languages. One of the things that happened beyond any profethy or expectations is that we found that out of there, there's more people doing this that we think, so we ended being a slow growing but solid community, with regular coming new users from our nearbies.

Another consequence was that we ended making a two days fest in a squat house with two nights of music of the users that had the chance to come and a sestlist to play, what also gave the opportunity to the most of them to put their tracks on the stage for the first time. We named it "Invasores de CulturaChip 1.0". We also made some workshops in this event, that works pretty well as spreading flyers with info to newcomers. After this we have another committed little fella that is learning his fists steps in LSDj.

Dot.AY wrote:

Every single person complaining about there not being a scene trust me there is no scene because you haven't made one...

+1 too, because if there's no scene yet, is your duty to put on one, otherwise don't complain. Experience tells me that the best way to make an scene is show up what you do. Some may think you're a weirdo, but there's always people that likes the sound, and maybe other ppl that already plays and makes music, that would like to learn how to do that. So make gigs, flyers, workshops, MAKE SOME NOISE AND THE REST WILL COME SOONER OR LATER

Edit: This wensday I'm doing another workshop (LSDj and beepola ths time) with this little fella named SinkaBeza, and another friend of him that we recruited in another little workshop explaining what is this called "micromusic" and "chiptune" and how it's done.

I started to take music theory and intonation lessons when i was 8 yrs old. Then i started to play clarinet for 7 years, and one year of piano on classic musical school.
They I started to listen rock music and i moved to the electric guitar, also i liked to learn the other rock instruments, as bass and drums, and obviously, vocals.

herr_prof wrote:


Por cierto ui, le dije a herr_prof que si podría poner una noticia detallada acerca de nuestra comunidad en TrueChipTillDeath, y me dijo que añadieras su twitter como amigo al nuestro, así que a la vez que posteamos noticias, nos hacen un retweet, ¡yo creo que me entendió mal, pero eso también es buena idea!

ui wrote:

TREMENDO PAK-ZER0, TREMENDO!!!... :DDD vaamooooos caraaajooo!!!

Del tirón ui, ¡¡ese es el espíritu!!

(aunque te di una cuenta para el wiki y aún no has hecho nada, mmmm, ¡DESPEDIDO! xDDD)

Acabo de comprar el dominio por dos años, voy a hablar con el admin de vieju.net para montar ahí el dokuwiki.


Edit: Montado el dokuwiki:


Señores, siento si últimamente estoy un poco ausente, pero entre el montón de curro que tengo, y el concierto que estoy preparando para este viernes, no puedo dedicarle tiempo a esto. Sin prisa, para la semana que viene tengo listo el dokuwiki y el irc ; )

Yo el mayor problema que tengo es que no tengo paypal. Aparte de eso, ya hablé con ui, que no tenemos problemas de hosting para el wiki, y tampoco para el canal de irc.

Respecto a la lista de correo, mientras mi dire de gmail tenga cabida, me parece perfecto.

Yo me ofrezco para administrar el wiki. Y por cierto, el wiki de lsdj me parece un poco cutrecillo, prefiero un dokuwiki como el que tenemos en vieju, o en hexawe:


Que por cierto, se me ha olvidado decir, que es muy ligero para el servidor, y tendríamos hosting gratis big_smile

akira^8GB wrote:
Love Through Cannibalism wrote:

(edit: Lo voto únicamente porque hace gracia votar sin motivo aparente a un nombre contra el cual has despotricado continuamente y no estás de acuerdo)

No parece gracioso sino una pérdida de tiempo sad

a mi si me parece gracioso, es su voto al fin y al cabo...

Yo sigo pensando, que micromusica.net es muy correcto, los argumentos en contra me han parecido un bastante chorras, pero acato la decisión de los demás porque acato las normas de un colectivo smile (no os enfadeís por lo de chorra xDDD)

Mi voto lo haré en público, como muchos de vosotros:

PaK-Zer0: chipcultura.org

Y siento haber estado un poco ausente, teniendo encuenta que el hilo en 8bc lo empecé yo xD

joder, en verdad han salido ya un par de nombres muy buenos, me han gustado tanto culturachip.algo y chipchip.org, ese ultimo está hasta gracioso xD

EBOT wrote:

Hola, PaK-Zer0 es DMusta1ne?

había descargado una canción de Pak-0 en LGPT con unos sampleos de una guitarra rota y una botella si mal no recuerdo, no sabía que eras tú, muy buena pieza! (Little hidden caves)

Ojalá fuera la mitad de buena que Wake up tio, en serio, en hexawe nos hicimos pajas cuando escuchamos ese tema, madre mia.

Tienes por ahí para descargarte el samplepack, por si quieres darle un meneo y hacer un tema tú con el,

http://hexawe.net/mess/PaK0ElFlac0/Rend … Guitar.zip

Lo de PaK-Zer0, viene a que en hexawe, esta gente se cachondeaba de mi nick, y bueno, me llamo Paco, mis colegas me llaman PaK, así que estaba más o menos claro big_smile

Permítame presentarme en mi primer post.

Soy PaK-Zer0, alter-ego de DMusta1ne, el problema es que este mustaine está siempre centrado en el trabajo, he tenido que matarle y eliminar su fannick, el propio mola mas >:D

Fuera de coñas, es fácilmente comprobable el saber quien soy.

Igualmente, mi voto es para micromusica.net, si tuviera que dar un segundo voto, sería para chipcultura,org, y un tercero para micropulso.org, pero principalmente micromusica.net

A ver si ahora pongo un poco el usuario este, su firma y su avatar, que está pelao xD