would it not be a more elegant solution to just alter the cm.org's home page template to display some ground rules/links in plain sight, if a user is new and/or has made less than X # of posts?

something like this just above the recent threads:

"new here?  post a first track in this thread

looking for more info on how to make chipmusic?  check out these links/threads: 1 2 3"

blah balh and so forth.


(87 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

audacity 4 lyfe

although i'm pretty impressed by reaper's work flow.   audacity is free and all but the interface and navigating around a project can be pretty clunky sometimes.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I haven't watched much anime in the last couple of years, but just last night i finished catching up to the latest episode of Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon). 

if you liked Cowboy Bebop then you simply must watch this series.  it's about jazz.  it's got Shinichiro Watanabe directing.  and it's got Yoko Kanno doing the music.  i don't need to say any more.

bump because there's only 2 days left - we're almost there!  just a grand and a bit to go!

the Kickstarter page also just posted one of my tracks as part of the preview.  check it it out if you want to hear something new from me - i'm really happy with how my LSDJ track turned out:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jer … ames/posts

"haha HEY LOSER when are you gonna play us sum BIT SHIFTER off that dumbass gameboy"

- in about 5 years

55 hours left in the kickstarter!

BTW Jeriaska has posted a couple of tracks as a preview, for those who are curious.

nitro2k01 wrote:

The DC power socket contains a little switch which turns bypasses the batteries when the plug is connected. If you shorted the DC plug to the batteries, the batteries would leak or explode. This switch is probably stuck or corroded internally. You could try to wiggle it a little to see if that helps. You could also bypass this switch entirely, but then you would have to make absolutely sure that you don't connect batteries and the DC jack at the same time, even when the Gameboy isn't turned on.

tl;dr: you might die in the face

thanks though, i'll see about playing around with the battery bypass when i get home.  any other theories in the meantime?

bump because i'm still stumped.  the battery contacts are about the cleanest i have on hand btw - no battery gunk or anything.

that's the one!  only 4 days left to donate!

BTW: you all should know that the Rokko Chan Chip Remix album has an amazing lineup of artists:  you've got your Saitone, Kplecraft, Omodaka, Lazerbeat, Zef, Toriena, Derris Kharlan, DJ Master Kohta, freakydna, nordloef and USK among others.  (oh and myself =P)

(also edited the 1st post of the thread as well as the topic title)

Anybody run into this issue?  I prosounded my DMG (with Apeshit's latest V2 pro sound PCB mounts, amazing piece of tech btw), but after having done so, i can no longer turn on the DMG via the batteries - only via the AC power cord.

- the batteries had only been used for an hour
- i've tried this with all-new batteries too - also no luck
- i wired the PCB board to the pre-pot outputs, and nothing's being shorted as far as i can tell (i have heatshrinks in place to further isolate potential shorts just in case)
- battery contacts are quite clean, no significant rusting or anything like that
- the whole DMG otherwise works totally fine via the power cord, LSDJ boots properly and everything

any insight / documentation / schematics as to what might be blocking the power from the battery connectors?


(34 replies, posted in Releases)

i'm waiting eagerly for the Danimal Cannon Instructional VHS, complete with grey studio backdrop, single fern in background, and sparkly star wipe video transitions.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

none of you realize that batsly actually made all those gifs originally.

have a good one pal.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

again, i just wanted to reiterate my recommendations idea in terms of how i'd like to see it implemented, just in case it got twisted through the last few pages into something that it wasn't:

1.  if you're listening to a track on cm.org, there's a button you can click to recommend this track.
2.  if you hover over a username anywhere on cm.org, you can see a list of 3 tracks that the user has recommended.
3.  as you recommend a track, the one that was least recently recommended gets bumped off the list if the list is full.
4.  maybe, if you view a track, you can see who is currently recommending it.

that's it.  no charts, likes or other statistics.  just wanted to see if the mods thought this is a feasible thing to implement on a technical level, and on a... moral... level?  I'm legitimately curious as to how the above might be abused or twisted into something unpleasant for the community.

for the record:
- i don't really like charts either.  styles and tastes are so varied that quantifying songs' worth doesn't make a lot of sense.
- i think deserving artists SHOULD be recognized.  but it doesn't need to be reduced to a governing body giving you a list of what you "should" listen to you (see my point about charts).
- i think users/listeners should be proactive in finding music and sharing it with others.  whether it's through making their own recommendations, or by siphoning off the recommendations of users they trust, who cares?
- i think whatever mechanism which helps people find new, good music should be self-regulating and apolitical.

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

Wow, this documentary is super negative. Seriously, it makes these artists seem like whiney incompetent kids. And why is an "ex-chip musician" interviewed". Yeah this genre that you haven't heard of is pretty cool and all but I quit because it was too limiting.

i had a similar feel after watching it.   i don't think it was as negative as you say but i do wish the doc shed more light on the global chipmusic community at large - it seems like there's a noticeable difference in how chipmusic is approached and perceived in NZ compared to other regions.

the main thing i disagree with is the video's implication that being called a chip musician is undesired.  sure, there can be certain stigmas attached to it but i'm sure there are many who don't mind wearing the label with pride.

i also was puzzled by how LSDJ-centric the doc appears at first.  later there's plenty of footage of other platforms like famitracker and the like, but no mention of said platforms.  just a little concerned that it skews the general idea of how chipmusic is made.


(57 replies, posted in Releases)

see fellas, this is what happens when there's no 8bc for anyone to release songs through! =P

impressive tracklist though - will peruse when i have time later this week.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

kitsch wrote:
AndrewKilpatrick wrote:

This is the smartest thing that's been said on this entire thread

it would need to be within the user's actual profile, not a signature and posting that under your PM/EMAIL, etc links wold get cluttered.  signatures for sure aren't happening, pretty sure that was an unanimous call.  not really sure how to do that a clean way except posting it in the user's profile page. 

which people can edit now anyways and add that sort of info.  BB code works there too!

yeah, i wasn't thinking about sigs or anything like that.  but rather, something that doesn't involve a page refresh.   maybe there's an icon or something you can click that's next to every username - either in the "who's online" section or in the left hand profile side of each forum post - which pops up the list of recommendations.

recommendations would need to be a single-click affair, ideally without a page refresh.

there are certainly ways that you _could_ aggregate this data into a "most recommended music" list, but i think this would cause more problems for the community, and it's not all that useful (you tend to find out new music based on the recommendations of the specific artists you care about, anyway).