on a serious note, last year at blip i did find myself within smelling vicinity of quite a few people who really could have used a shower, mint, and/or change of clothes.

go on a hunger strike if you must, but keep a reasonable standard of hygiene and try not to stank up the place peoples!


(16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

herr_prof wrote:
nickmaynard wrote:

looks incredible but $35 is a little steep.

I think they also did the korg app, so maybe they think it is worth as much. I wish it had a sequencer though..

it does have a sequencer - it's just made to look like an oldschool LCD matrix screen:


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

marvelous release coda, just had a listen.  always get a huge kick out of your trackery stylings!!


(16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

made by DETUNE btw, the same people behind the KORG DS-10 / KORG M01 / iMS-20.

here's a demo of the iYM2151 by Keishi Yonao (from ubiktune's SOUNDSHOCK FM albums):

looks pretty cool, the interface is basically a more advanced version of the M01's UI.

kitsch wrote:
bryface wrote:

is there a chance of any of these showing up at blip NY somehow?

i'll have one for demo at the KB table, come by and check it out!  just got that worked out wink

if you send a sav, tell me your forum name as well, i'll name them by this (bryface.sav, whatever).  you can just tell me who you 'are' and it'll make things easier.   i want your forum name, may get double real names. 

you can send them to matt/kitsch-bent/com

hands-on derp!

awesome!  i may just bring a usb drive of my own and give it a whirl.

my hoodie came in today!  the fabric and print colours are amazing, and it fits perfectly (though be warned, it may actually be because of my immaculately sculpted physique).

thanks again xero!  hands down one of my favourite apparel grabs this year.

is my favourite core


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that's still racist.


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The prospect of being the next anamanaguchi

STEP 1: try to become white
STEP 2: try to split into four white people
STEP 3: idk


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

amazing!  i'm really impressed by On The Verge's production value btw.  they even provided a screen for viz smile

btw, same thing with the new Vibrato pattern effect -- this too will vastly simplify my machine setup (i think before i needed to manually control a vibrato machine in order to do vibrato?)

Thanks for the update! 

the new Virtual Analog Generator is exactly what i've been waiting for!  before, i remember having to put together a hugely complicated set up of filters and pattern effects, just to get an envelope filter envelope going.  this will totally make things much easier.

alright, too many awesome posts in this thread, i'll give it a whirl.

most of my interests fit the typical nerd stereotype.  i'm pretty sure i can hold my own in a star trek trivia showdown (except for anything voyager-related because it is teh sucks), and most other sci-fi shows and movies tend to be my comfort entertainment too.  there's the odd smattering of anime if i can carve out time for it (mainly the popular stuff though, nothing approaching obscure weeaboo territory).  same thing with PC games.

i'm a pretty avid volleyball player, but that's my pretty much my only source of physical exercise.  i'm pretty terrible at all other sports.  but i have been working out more lately because i've had enough of having a slight gut and poor posture and t-shirts not fitting well.

at work i do interface development - mainly Flash programming, but also some HTML/CSS/JS development.  i got into this mainly to animate cool interface stuff, occasionally programmatic animation, occasionally 3D.  on paper it sounds like great fun, and sometimes it is, but lately most of my work has been for flash banners which is incredibly tedious and thankless.  hopefully that will change soon, but if worse comes to worse, i might want to quit and give film/audio production a shot (probably'd have to go to school again though).

in the end, though, a career is just a job, so i treat such pursuits with a grain of salt.  many of my friends treat their work as the center of their life and base everything around it.  frankly, i find that view incredibly dull and limiting - i prefer to see my job as merely the thing that sustains me financially while i pursue the other things i'm actually passionate about.  i've also learned thanks to church life that work can never fully satisfy the deeper longings i have for meaning and purpose in this life anyway.

i'm fast approaching my 30's and there have certainly been days where i wish i had been more adventurous in my earlier 20's.  but to be honest, recently those regrets have been soothed by the fact that i feel like i am living more out of passion, right now.  a lot of it has to do with my getting back into creating music over the last few years and getting more involved in the international micromusic community.

i can honestly say that traveling abroad in the last year to blipfests in NYC and Tokyo and meeting so many amazing and like-minded people has been nothing short of life-changing.  back at home there's always been significant pressure from family/friends/colleagues to conform to their interests, because my own have always been so different.  i realized first-hand at blip that because there are so many people who actually DO share ALL my interests, i don't have to do a damn thing to compromise my identity.  i'm also comforted by the the fact that there are lots of people in the chipmusic community who are older than me but are still incredibly passionate about their craft.  this is a huge encouragment and tells me that my most interesting years can very well be ahead of me if i choose.

it's also given me new perspective on what i actually want for this life of mine.  career, success, interests and even relationships can come and go for all i care.  a life well spent, to me, is to simply have the privilege of crossing paths with interesting and passionate people that are wellsprings of talent and creativity. and to be present in situations where incredible things can happen.

and now, i present to you a fist going through a skull.


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

emilychiptune wrote:

hiii i'm rising from the forum dead/bumping this for 2 reasons:

first: if you're a performer and you're coming to new york from out of town, you should post the days you're going to be here! as it is i dug through chipmusic for this thread to see who would possibly be available to be play pre-parties and after parties. new york is always looking for out-of-towners/fresh faces to perform. JUST A HEADS UP c;

my current plan is to be in NYC from May 23-30, should be enough for the pulsewave pre-party / the actual blip nights / blip afterparty / eindbaas. 

the dates of my stay aren't final though.  i'd love to play a set in NY if an opportunity came up - in which case i miiight be able to come as early as the 19th of May, or as late as June 3rd.

also, that is an incredible facefist.


(56 replies, posted in Releases)

just had a listen.  digging the release!  some really interesting WAV channel work.

super informative interview!  glad you guys and the album are getting more exposure.

also may i say, [mostly] vancouver represent!  i didn't realize that you were in the area too for some reason.