(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wailord wrote:
Screamforme99 wrote:

The girl to the left is absolutely gorgeous...

kashino yuka

when did this site change its domain to jpopmusic.org? GET OUTTA HEAH

(i mean come on, nocchi is clearly the hottest of the three) OK THREAD OVER


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

You can, if you jailbreak it and download an emulator via Cydia.

Have you tried using it? I can't see the interface being too easy to use through an iPhone / iPod

I'd recommend using a DS because that's less likely to get screwed up

I personally use a DMG, but back that shit up on the daily.

one caveat to using LSDJ on a DS: it will not play your WAV channel samples properly.  if you don't use kits/samples though, it otherwise works relatively well.  (the emulator i tried this on was lameboy; maybe somebody released a better alternative since)


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

neilbaldwin wrote:


umm, this is rad.

i can see this being used to make some live performances more interesting by adding a guy whose sole task is to do live manipulation of crazy NES noises.


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

campbell wrote:

piano rolls suuuuuuuuuuuck

that reminds me: has anyone tried hand-writing piano roll note data using a pen + tablet interface?  i would think it'd be more intuitive than hunting-and-pecking with a mouse, but how well does a tablet work in practice?

OK thread diversion over; it's now more clear than ever that chipmusic is a lost cause and we have an opportunity to start over and do things the right way with seapunk


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm sick of chipmusic because my hipster lifestyle dictates it's now time for me to hate it


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

way to make an app alex, even though its uses for now are few.  if you ask me, i'd avoid putting in any functionality that isn't already part of the site first.  but some ideas come to mind (not sure if they'll work though):

- Desktop notifications for new songs, posts or threads, kind of like Gmail can enable desktop notifications for new emails
- easy-to-access "new post" button
- a vertically-scrolling sidebar music player
- a persistent, periodically updated "Who's Online" list
- buttons for IMAGE MACROZ jk jk
- drag file to screen for upload
- ability to access IRC #chipmusic from chrome

who knows, maybe trash80 might decide to make those features part of the main site if they're executed well enough.

would you want to be responsible for ongoing maintenance of the app though?  do you have plans to open-source it? whateve, i'm just spewing random brain noise at this point.


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(9 replies, posted in Releases)

well, a song doesn't have to have a specific idea or story in mind, but it can evoke a lyrical, storytelling quality nonetheless, depending on your melody and choice of chord progressions.

After listening to album after album of crazy LSDJ tricks or mind-bending jazzy gymnastics this year (DAMN YOU UBIKTUNE, YOU HAVE SPOILED US ALL), it's nice to hear an album that dials it back a little and knows when to let a song be driven by attention to strong melodies and overall song structure.  keep doing what you're doing.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i believe the proper question is, "what is Pause records not?"

take a moment and let this existential question expand your mind to the size of the known universe

Spotts wrote:

Just wanted to know if it's bad that I do that and don't use lsdj. I have it, I'm just not good with it, haha

i would still call it chipmusic, but i just want you to know that you are taking us down a dangerous slippery slope here. 

next thing you know, people will start making music with their freaking SEGA MEGADRIVES and start calling it chip.

i mentioned it offhandedly earlier in the thread a while back but for those of you who are unaware, 7bithero from Blip Australia = Hunz:

(btw don't blame me for the blasphemy of playing an .XM with impulse tracker)


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

just gave this a listen, great work!  some extremely confident composition, and there's a real sense of narrative that's present throughout the whole EP. 

if you ask me, the chipmusic community definitely could use more artists that can bring a storytelling quality to their tunes.

btw here's a quick photo we snapped of the session, pretty hilariously epic.

ok, i've got some preliminary video recordings below of the stream (more than 2 hours total of live improvisation)! 

Really surprised at how well this turned out - mainly M01, plus some DS-10, LSDJ, and daiteng's japanese-to-english electronic dictionary running through a monotron delay and a kaoss pad mini.  Nothing was pre-composed - all note data was laid down on the spot.

from this morning:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

from last night (sorry for the choppiness due to my setup noobness):
Part 2/2
(Part 1 inexplicably has no sound at all so i won't bother posting it)

In a few days we'll post a more complete MP3 recording of the sessions. there's some live VST pad work that didn't make it into the ustream audio because i'm an idiot, but it exists in the my reaper project of the live recording).

Street Fighter: The  Game: The Movie: The Game

streaming again right now until 10:00AM PST!  listen in to hear some evolving soundscapes, noise and improvised beats.
