(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chainsaw Police wrote:
SKGB wrote:

that reminds me, Me, Chipocrite, An0va, Animalstyle and whoever else wants to join in were considering creating a gameboy orchestra.

I'm up for that!

imagine the possibilities!


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

danimal cannon wrote:
SKGB wrote:

LOL oh man, that reminds me, Me, Chipocrite, An0va, Animalstyle and whoever else wants to join in were considering creating a gameboy orchestra.

@Chainsaw Police word!

Lol I am in



(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

WOULD BUY.  my old grey shell is broke.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

Also, I pulled out my gameboy the second day of "electronic ensemble" at college, and everyone was like, WTF AWESOME (too my surprise). At the end of the year, we had to play a concert. Everyone had macs and midi interfaces, I had a gameboy and a feedback looping mixer. I was the rhythm section. Much positive feedback!  A+, would play again.

tl; dr: play chiptunes in an academic setting, you will get mad bitchezzzzzzzzz

that's pretty awesome that your ensemble was so open to your contribution.  seeing that it was an "electronic ensemble" though, i'd think that you were fortunate that your gear wasn't that far a cry from what they had. 

compare that to, say, a high school band -- can you imagine the music teacher holding auditions for 1st, 2nd and 3rd gameboy?


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

when i visited NY for blipfest earlier this year absolutely none of the 6 or 7 non-chip friends that i met up with had the kind of reaction i was hoping for when i told them why i was there.

i tried to be consistent in my description -- something like, "i'm going to a music festival where the artists use and hack old hardware to make music".  that was the most concise and gentle way that i could think of describing it, and i tried to highlight the universal appeal of a music festival.

each of their reactions was one of puzzlement (i guess they were still trying to piece it together in their head), combined with one of:
- it's one of those obscure nerdy things you like i guess
- is that like some kind of hardware swap meet or something?
- you flew out to new york for this?

in vancouver, my experience is that public opinion of chipmusic tends to get lumped into the same category as the stuff of Fringe Festivals, which is less "curious intersection of nerd/tech/music culture" (which is fine with me), and more "crazy psychopath deviants whose art purely exists for sideshow and murdering".  which is unfortunate, because there are a lot of people here who jive with the first category because of all the tech and gaming companies here.  if there are more people with that interest, i haven't crossed paths with them.

VCMG wrote:

Should I do anything about it?

nice try, depeche mode from the future.

you may have figured out how to travel back in time and re-release your future chiptune hits in the past for more profit, but i won't let you get away with that!

i mean don't get me wrong, that's a fricking genius plan, but i'll stop you anyway because i don't have anything better to do!


(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

hey 2xAA, just a heads-up -- you may want to duplicate the original post (people + status) from the 8bc thread in case 8bc goes down again.


(29 replies, posted in Collaborations)

celsius wrote:

Love the concept. Chipmusic outsourcing.

I for one am pleasantly surprised that JAK has generously offered to help out.  good on you man.

but, part of me is secretly hoping to see the part where the $50 dollar song turns out to be a massive, massive troll.

this will end awesome either way.

voted! (also for pussy dogs)

i'm hoping to see the shocked and condescending "well i guess we're featuring Chipocrite, wtf is wrong with you people?" results blurb


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

looks like more and more chipmusic blogs are popping up these days.  this is a trend that i like.

hey back2k by loonie!  i haven't heard that ditty in years.  way go go heos, already i like where this blog is going.

Reteris wrote:

what's so bad about hitting play and just fucking sitting down and staring at the audience


i've seen a few blipfest sets where the artist did just that (4mat and manabn come to mind).  personally i didn't mind it so much, as long as the music itself made up for any perceived lack of showmanship.

if you could find a way to split the various channels of the tracker over different outputs (or play two instances of the song in sync on two laptops and mute the channels appropriately), you could feed one of them into an effects module.

or you could come up with a dance routine. 
JDDJ3J has used this to great effect.

so like.. is this what kids do now?  are dance parties now out of style?  i will try to listen in a top hat.   

looking forward to the album release dan, i totally appreciate the massive amounts of whoring you're doing for the album smile  (that's actually something i wish ubiktune did a little more of, for most albums they tend to just slap them up on their site and tweet it but that's about it).


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

looks like all the tracks have now been revealed.

having seen and listened to all the results, i would say i'm mostly satisfied with them (from a scale of 1 to 10, i'd give it an 8).

- definitely thankful for the FlashNSF embeds making tracks easily accessible.
- i'm glad that proper dues were given to tim follin and other eurostyle nes composers in light of the expected roflstomping by japanese composers.
- their attitude towards expansion chips was fair and balanced in my opinion.
- the reviewers did a pretty awesome job of analyzing each result and justifying on a musical and songwriting level why each track deserved to be listed.  i'm also glad that norrin_radd did a lot of the reviewing and analysis, i don't know many others who would be better suited to handle the task.

- i was hoping more of the songs would be based on technical/songwriting prowess though, and less on pure nostalgia factor.  not something that could necessarily be controlled i guess, but i was looking forward to discovering more unsung heroes in the great wide sea of NES tracks.
- i'm actually rather disappointed that no tracks from Kirby's Adventure were listed.  i submit butter building, orange ocean, boss battle and final boss battle for consideration - that game is such a showcase of intricate and nuanced songwriting and it kills me that it didn't get any love, IT FEELS LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS HERE

anyway, this was a massive effort and i totally appreciate all the work that went into this by all the voters and reviewers.  good job!


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

i am glad to have it in my life

do a stream!!!!!!!