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Topics by urbster1
Posts found: 161-176 of 213
from here:
LSDJ works on the Everdrive GB, however, its only downfall is that due to how save game files are handled, you’re limited to creating one song at a time on the device.
Whereas with DnD + LittleFM you can store 8 projects (savs) that can each hold potentially a dozen + songs
thanks your your reply 
if I could provide my input, I would just like to say that "only" making song saving faster would actually be a very useful feature that would really improve workflow, as saving songs can take quite a while. especially the longer and more complex they get. it gets to be quite a drag when you're trying to finish something. although maybe this is just me speaking of my own personal problem of wanting to save too frequently. 
my opinion is, keep making music, it's the best way to improve!
nitro since you're in this thread, are you still planning to add song saving to the current project in littleFM? as well as some of the other features?
to answer the question, littleFM makes the DnD rock really hard because you can save all those extra projects. both are great carts though.
I've had good results with the gameboymarketplace subreddit
Well I really like the feel of the song and the general chord progression and melodies. The first suggestion I would offer is to try automating the volume in your bassline. I think the biggest reason it sounds "flat" to you is that there is no dynamic variation, so it doesn't have any kind of pumping feel going on in the bass like there is in the pulse channels. Throw some E commands in there and see if that doesn't help out a lot (you might also find other ways to experiment with the bass sound if you feel adventurous). I find the bass to be pretty loud on unmodded DMG so you may try adjusting the other channels to have lower volumes and boost the overall mix until the bass sits where you like it. Hope this helps.
If it were me I probably wouldn't worry about the variation in timing, but if you wanted you could use D commands to emulate that. I actually didn't notice it. The difference in pitch would be more important to me, but that's my personal taste.
For a wav kick I usually try settings like these. Your mileage may vary, depending on the tempo you may need to adjust the P commands in the table.
So here's my suggestions for the intro
-Don't use pulse kick. Unless you seriously need to, you can make kick sounds that are 1,000% better in the wav channel than you ever can in pulse.
-Use your E commands in every channel. Don't forget you can use those for echo effects but it also just helps to make the sound more dynamic.
-In general, you can get away with a lot less than you think you need, especially bass. It's easy to add a lot in the bass, but I've found that you should use the absolute minimum amount of bass notes that you need to.
-You can emulate some of the weird vocals by using both pulse channels at once. In some of the vocals they are doubled and sung at different pitches, so play different notes on each pulse. You can also use a couple of different instruments, like make one that has some difference in the fine tuning and use it in both channels at once to make it sound more doubled.
-To emulate vocal bends use L01 to do a slow legato bend from one note to the next (like the note "pants" in 0:18-0:20), or use P01 to glide up.
-Noise hi hats are typically done with noise shape FF and a very short env like E61, or E62 open hats maybe E67 or E68. Snares are greatly helped by using a table to automate the shape of it so it doesn't sound flat.
I made a short demo of what I came up with using some of these tips:
Hope this helps you.
i've been listening to all of bill wurtz's material on loop for the past 3 months.
discovered this album yesterday and loving it so far
i saw this, and i was utterly amazed. very very cool shit
i don't have a personal twitter but i pay a bot to post under this account
it's coded in Processing (Java) but I didn't see where the audio controls were supposed to be in the source code, so maybe the version in that video is different?
edit: in the very beginning you can see a Processing sketch titled "AudioSignal.pde" which is not included with the source code. So I don't think it's part of the wav editor. But someone savvy enough could probably rig something up since the audio is just being synthesized according to the wavetable being drawn. Unfortunately that person is not me
oops i accidentally listened and loved it!!
Posts found: 161-176 of 213 / Forums / Posts by urbster1