(8 replies, posted in Releases)

yessss so exciting!! heart beautiful tunes!


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I suggested a feature request for DMG palette editing, but it doesn't look like it will happen

edit: http://github.com/urbster1/lsdfonts has been updated


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I hear what you're saying, both palettes use the lightest and darkest shades already on DMG though so it would be tough to devise something else. what did you have in mind?


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

palette changes don't apply to DMG, only CGB/AGB/etc. you still only get 2 palettes on DMG, regular and inverted


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

awesome please do smile


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

these are great!! I hope you don't mind if I add them to my repo, with credit of course

looking into the korg volca analog sync signal, it would appear that you need a square wave click (presumably 1 wavecycle? from this thread). it seems like the frequency would be fairly low, like 1 click per 8th or 16th note (the wiki shows depending on the synth, to set LSDJ to generate either 6 or 12 ticks per step). it might just be a matter of trial and error before you get the right signal syncing the way you want it to.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thanks I've added your font. I don't have a repo set up for palettes (yet) though

new version of the patcher is out to fix issues with loading fonts on DMG: https://github.com/jkotlinski/lsdpatch/ … tag/v1.1.3


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

funny you posted this just now, I just added fonts to a new repo


if anyone wants to submit theirs as well, I'll gladly accept them

edit: Gradius, Zero Wing, and Strider fonts came from here http://nfggames.com/games/fontmaker/lister.php

did you put nanoloop in slave mode? when the >> icon is selected, press A+B and nanoloop will pause. it should pause right on step 1

did you set LSDJ to Nano sync mode? when you press Start on LSDJ, LSDJ and Nanoloop will both start playing. (note that this is really not the same setup used to sync LSDJ as master/slave.)

I just tested this and it worked, they are staying in sync. it should also be noted that your groove in LSDJ must be based on 6 ticks per step.


(17 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

don't forget http://no-carrier.com/index.php?/nesflix/

sieken is now known as kouhai https://soundcloud.com/kouhai

does anyone know where to buy the 3rd party adapter that lets you charge GBA SP while using headphones? I ordered one off of Amazon that showed as having both ports in the picture, but when it arrived it was just the regular headphone adapter. I'd like to buy at least 2 of them, thanks!

in no particular order

Fighter X
Je Mappelle
Pain Perdu
Slime Girls
Cooshinator/Muzak Efron
seconding IAYD

IMHO just listen to everything, regardless of genre, because it will open you up to new sounds and at this stage that's really important

edit: VVV oh yeah that reminds me, Abandoned On Fire!

urbster1 wrote:

So you'd send controller data on those CC numbers to change each sample.

Has anyone else tried this with this port? I'm using the nanoloop USB adapter and it's receiving note data just fine, but sending values on those CCs doesn't change the WAV sound. I'll give it a shot with the arduinoboy next.

cool! I don't think hot glue will hold it, I used JB weld epoxy on mine