(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

fucking whoa. all right. funny seeing you on bass and not guitar but these songs are solid as hell.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

could you fit that circuit into say...a game boy cart case? that'd make the price way lower for sure.

Ok. so just to clarify-

If I've written the code to it, then I hook up the MIDI OUT jack to a midi capable device (in this case, MSSIAH) and it's powered by the wall jack and taking in data from the game boy, should I see a TX light?  Currently I'm not with that setup, unfortunately, and it doesn't seem to be feeding MIDI to MSSIAH. I have a loop running with each note having a Q00 command next to it to send that note as midi, which should do the trick if I understand correctly.

Hey everyone-

So I've got my Arduino Uno hooked up to my pc and the power brick hooked up from the arduinoboy to the wall, and I write the latest arduinoboy code to the board. It says it uploads just fine.  I test it out, sending midi via the midiout version of lsdj and the TX light blinks in time to the messages. Looks like everything is fine.

Then I unplug the USB cable from the Arduino, leaving the wall plug in place.  When I send midi messages to the board, the TX light no longer lights up.  I hit the reset button on the board, but  this doesn't seem to help at all. 

I had originally thought that this was a power issue, but since the board is being powered by the wall plug, there's no way it can be.  It's not an issue with the bad bootloader that the arduino Unos had previously- I returned a  faulty board with that issue to Sparkfun and this one they replaced it with works just fine with other Arduino sketches. After disconnecting and reconnecting power, the "blink" sketch keeps on working.

Anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this?  The Arduinoboy doesn't rely on the Game Boy for power (I didn't include that pin in the link cable to the DMG since the last time I tried that it drained the DMG batteries like mad)

I'm using a slightly modified version of the arduinoboy code to default the arduinoboy into mode 6 (midiout). Is it possible something about that is screwing things up?


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

soooo.... fuck yes. forever.

Yeah, I know. Sounds crazy....but it's happening. The battery tabs had broken off, and the cart was losing its saves pretty consistently. I desoldered the battery.  Just for fun, I tried saving on it...and it worked. There's stuff in working memory and I can save and load songs.

Equally strange, I had EM_Dash try and flash it with 3.9.9 up from 3.8.7, and he got a bunch of errors and the cart refused to boot for a while. After the battery was removed, it started to work again, and now it's running 3.9.9.

This is wrinkling my brain.

Anyone have any clue what's going on?

this=amazing. What sort of time requirements are there for the intern?

So weird. I actually saw them two days before this went down. The guy's had addiction problems before but this is just nuts. I hope he gets the help he needs, hopefully his is a wakeup call for him.

Bit Shifter wrote:

This, all day and forever.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I actually have a c64 motherboard with the SID still in it that I never got to work. I don't know what the status of it is, but it's possible that the SID is in working condition. It's an old c64 board, and the SID is a 6581. It's also soldered directly to the motherboard, as weird as that is.  What would you be willing to trade for that?


ohhhhh you rule.  grabbing that NOW. thanks so much for supporting earlier iOS versions!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i don't think it's possible unless you actually got the lsdj song file from rockman himself, or retracked it by ear.  albums that are done as roms exist, but they're made using trackers, not from recorded audio files.
out of curiosity, why do you want it to be playable through your game boy when you could use an mp3 player?


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that dude is a good dude. happy birthday to him.

Indicate prices on items you are selling.  If you are trying to auction it off put it on ebay and put a link to the sale here.