
(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Multifaros is incredible.


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

8bitweapon wrote:

Thanx, I installed WHD to my hard drive on "C:" like they asked...but I have no clue what to do next. I got the files off the wHD site for the games I have...but there doesnt seem to be a way to install them. The manual online is vague at best...

From whdload.de or whdownload.com ?
There is an installer script with installs from whdload.de, but you need the Installer tool that comes with Workbench 3. It's click and play, basically, shouldn't be hard at all. I have a problem realizing where you are stuck, precisely. Please be more specific.

OxygenStar wrote:

Would windows be able to write the image file to an amiga disk?

No, you can't. That's why Seth bought a transfer solution.

You have IDE... if you get the CF IDE thing, you shouldn't worry much about this,. You can use WinUAE to set up your drive on the PC then put it in the Amiga.

my other question is where to get some WB3.1 install disk other than ebay.

It's install disks. fve of them to be precise.
No other than ebay or amibay unless you want to acquire them illegally ;P


(18 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

goto80 wrote:


That even rhymes, too sweet, let's use it xD


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I don't remember any special characters, but I i'll try again. Sorry, for the next time I will be remembering more info!


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I wrote the post, I hit submit, it said it was submitted, but nothing appeared. I did nothing weird.
Mac OSX Leopard running Safari 4.0.4


(18 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Change the section to "Commodore Amiga, C64 etc." ? tongue

herr_prof wrote:

multitrackers -  how do you deal with the noise floor buildup?

Izotope RX over a prosounded DMG.
Random introduced me to this awesome tool.
If you go too hard on it you will notice removal artifacts, but if you don't, it's magical.

Bit Shifter wrote:

In the interest of transparency I also omitted an 8th track, because at the time I thought it was a good idea to sing "Horror Business" while sick & having a voice that was even more fucked up than usual; predictably it sounded like shit.

I want this track.
I run the People's Club for Bit Shifter Humiliation.
Surrender it now.


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I posted a comment , system said it was added, but it's nowhere to be seen.

Acho que voces usaram uma foto do Kurt para fazer o flyer, não é? xD


(19 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)


akira, would the XU1541 be pretty much like a c64tpc?

No, I deem it better.
It's like a regular XE1541 solution but through USB. You can use Star Commander or OpenCMD, 64HDD and the other usual apps.


(19 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

An X*1541 cable will give you transfer facilites more than storage options. It's a needed tool if you still have floppies. You could also try the 64HDD software with this cable, but it means you have to be stuck to a PC slave to be used as a hard drive.

I would recommend, however, the XU1541 adapter, which is USB.

http://truechiptilldeath.com/2009/10/xu … available/

I have an SD2IEC myself but I haven't been able to use it yet, so no reports. All the "non emulating" options are basically the same, most stuff doesn't work because they need real 1541 hardware for the fastloaders. So whichever one you choose it usually doens't matter. For the record, the SD2IEC is the cheapest.

Now the 1541U is in a whole different league since it's a disk drive emulator. This one won't work as a hard drive and it will be as slow (or fast) asa real disk drive is Get this if you want floppy-less compatibility.

MMC Replay is a complete different east on its own. The SD card will be of the "non emulating" type so compatibility is low. But the MMC Replay can also load CARTRIDGE images onto it and work as a cartridge of the type you wish (the more useful type being the freezer cartridges). You can also add a daughterboard for Ethernet connectivity.

If you wanna hook up a hard drive or compactflash, you can use the uIEC that takes IDE or get an IDE64. Compatibility, again, s like that of non emulating SD solutions.

You really don;t want to use any of the oldschool options like the CMD products (FD-2000 HD disk drive, HD Sries hard drives ,etc).


(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

egr wrote:

I do believe that is the case.  I don't have "proof" for that specific cart yet.  I'll let you know if I find something more definitive. smile

The cart is ridiculously cheap, so I will buy it and see what happens.
I'll post when I get it!


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You have two options.

- If you have the original disks, see if the game has an installer or not in the official WHD page. If it does, it will come with a file that will install it automatically, just follow the instructions. If there's no installer, you are out of luck. You will have to wait for someone to make one (or catch up with 68k ASM and make it yourself wink)

- But I would do is go to Whdownload (find the link in my resources page) and find it there. if it has an installer, it's already preinstalled there (just copy to your drive and run) and you can put your originals away.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OxygenStar wrote:

it was awesome. I got to play with bit mummy, minusbaby with dj big wiz, 8gb and glomag. crazy.

Fuck man, was that your first gig for real? We should have done some sort of ritual, like dressing you like Alice Glass and making you sing a Fitts For Fight song big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I never used the kit but the kit should work of the diskette, not on a hard drive.
Also, have in mind the card reader doesn't work with every card aavailabe out there.

You DID get the card reader, didn't you?