
(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

ovenrake wrote:

posting in a thread where "dual Game Boy stomper" was used.

Dual Game Boy stomper, BEASTMODE style.


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Done with my e-MErger.
It's done much good to my life for the years I have owned it (probably like 9 already).

Time for it to go to a good home.

I KNOW those fangled USB cartridges are more convenient nowadays but, who knows, someone might be interested in keeping this for posterity.

Trivia: one of these was used by José Torres while developing his dramacart. That's it. Now nobody will want it tongue

I sell the whole kit: flasher, parallel cord, a 9V battery to power it and two cartridges. PErfect setup for a dual Game Boy stomper.

Usual drift: shipped from Buenos Aires, make me an offer and we talk. Offer expires soon, after that, this is all garbage truck food.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is now officially garbage food.


I have this one in my A1200 and watched it recently big_smile
You should check out the DIGITAL CONCERT series, funny megamixes:

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q … a&aq=f


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

*E wrote:
ui wrote:

shame the app is so expensive!!!! XDDDD


He was joking! tongue

Can we get different color schemes? big_smile


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

ps. CRT is still the best image for an Amiga

Inconveniently so.,
It's a matter of preference. Scanlines are an artifact. I got used to my display being uninterlaced. I happen to think it's much better.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

likeluke wrote:

why do so many people feel the need to do this? ]

I guess it is because it's blatantly ridiculous? I am not sure. Putting that video on YouTube is asking for it.
And with Sycamore Drive's latest evidence, I guess this girl likes the attention.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:



(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

herr_prof wrote:

Midines on ebay!

Small fortune about to be acquired.


(37 replies, posted in Sega)

These are not Everdrive modules and need ROM flashing for them to run. Beats the point.
[edit] *TIRED*


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

People should go to that gig and fucking throw tomatoes at her xD


(37 replies, posted in Sega)

I think I just posted you every detail I could give you. Even what the software has outputted now that it was run without crashing (for once). It did NOT do a TFC file, only a bunch of "whatever the fuck they are" files. What am I supposed to input if you DID NOT TELL ME which parameter to use and NO ONE DOES and in NO DOCUMENT IT APPEARS?? I did what is logical and put an input file and then an output file. All I got was THAT garbage posted above. USing a classical "?" parameter gives no help. Invoking it without arguments igives no verbose error or a list of parameters like any fucking command line program does. Anything else I type makes the program CRASH.

If you don't want to answer just stop replying to this thread and I'll look for the help of someone more helpful but I do not deserve to be treated like this just for asking a question. I kept myself very polite throughout the conversation but I have a limit.

It was easier to say " type tfmconv whatever1 whatever2 ... whateverN"  than this violent ramble you are on.

VGM cannot be played by Everdrive so what you propose is preposterous.

Now if someone can help, what the fuck are the parameters this program needs to output a TFC file so I can play it in my fucking Sega Genesis? Thank you to all those who can help.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dude she's AWFUL.