(33 replies, posted in Sega)

Screamforme99 wrote:

I just got a genesis with the 32x attachment and 30 games plus a Saturn with 15 games both working on Craigslist for 50$.
Pretty stoked.
Some of the games were even promos and special editions.
Anyways I was wondering of someone could recommend some games.
I started playing Mr. Bones on my Saturn.

Mr. Bones is the shit

herr_prof wrote:

Pot the master down when rebooting your game boy.

Like we haven't heard that one before

Sorry I realized I was reading about forums on a forum.

BlakePalmer wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

i dont know, i actually talked to jeremy a decent bit and he seemed an overall ok guy, though i wasnt witness to the sticker incident
posting, in case its till active, the 8bc hotline, circa late 2009 (aka the drama time when low-gain, kitsch &myself got banned)
good as of dec 2009

oh yes... how can we forget the 8bc drama when jose went on a banning spree.

after kitsch's post it was never the same again haha.

and then later on, in an attempt to keep everyone from leaving, jose posts this.


i heard you liked forum posts


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

pump pump pump it up
thanks teo ;D

Speaking as someone else who lives in Tacoma (253!), all you really can do is have fun with it.
No one else in this area is aware of the real capabilities of the hardware you are using.
No one is aware of this as an acceptable platform for music.
No one knows how they feel about it, and use that to your advantage.
Not to sound completely negative but, a mediocre performance is only performed with a mediocre attitude. It can be very intimidating to present something new to an audience that is not familiar with it, and I've been dealing with it for the past five years. Though each time I decided to have fun with it, say corny things, and focus on what I'm doing, it was never a regrettable experience. It was the performances that I didn't feel completely there that I have regretted.

Good luck buddy, looking forward to hearing how it went smile


(20 replies, posted in Releases)


a fucking jammer is what my life is outside of this

beat the traffic, get in the carpool, get in a bus, then it'll be a 40 minute drive ;D

I want one rasta-ized


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

if you're gonna be there the day before ( #420 !)
I'll be there with a hip-hop set all about our fav day

Somke it !
Get Bulnted !


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

'gon be the sickness



(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

can't even fucking touch me

seriously pumped for this big_smile
last week was INSANE\\\
Let's make this place actually sell out instead of almost (like last time)