Well, I don't think we should disallow retroactive editing, since it's used alot for legitimate uses, like updating sales threads, DIY threads, tutorials, and the 48 hour challenges.


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

So, my ancient slide projector also came with an ancient bulb. Which is now burnt out! smile

So, I'm debating whether I should spend the money for a new GE CZA bulb, which would be maybe $20, or upgrade to a 100 watt white LED star, which would put out more lumens with less power and less heat for $35. Hmmm...

So, I just played the game through on Normal mode, and it was a blast. The music was perfect. And then I realised that the game temps all the XM files into the directory while the game is running and so I copied them. Sounds great both ways!


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

So, the real question is, given the kind of output this makes, and the very attractive price of the hardware needed, does anyone want a tut? wink

I'm quite pleased with it, for a less than $20 projector solution. Now I just need to case it up better. You can see in the video, I have a spare mini-fan pointing at the thing to help reduce heat buildup near the LCD.


(43 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

looks interesting enough. Might be worth a look. Actually, I'm quite excited.


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

OK, got video and pics!


Here is a shot of the screen I used before ripping it apart. Shown with the NES for size comparison.

Here are some shots of the final output:


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Yes, but in this case handling the heat means pointing another fan at the projector, so it's a bit of a hack job. The whole thing is really one big hack job, held together with hot glue, believe it or not! Anyways, with a little patience and some jimmy rigging, I think I'm all set to watch Wrath of Kahn on the big screen tonight. The big, pixelated screen! smile I'll take some video of that. I have a video of my projector running GlitchNES as well, but no audio because I realised after the fact that the camera has no mic. I'll have to see about uploading it this evening.

Also, I got a special surprise from my sister today. She works at the university of St. Thomas chemical stockrooms, and while cleaning out a little used storage room she came across a nice little 25" projector screen that stands on the table top. It's really neat to use with the projector, because bringing the projector closer results in a very bright picture.


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

OH yeah, I promised some pics and video and stuff. I'll get to it this evening.

You need to get 3%. It doesn't matter if it's chemical grade, household grade, medical grade, food grade, whatever. In fact, cheaper is better.

What I would say is, rather than ordering the stuff on eBay, go to the local pharmacy or grocery store or walmart or what have you, and ask where the hydrogen peroxide is. It doesn't matter what kind of purity it is, just so long as it's 3%.


(12 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Hey, great news! I got everything put together pretty well and it looks OK. And by looks OK, I mean the corners are slightly blurry, the image gets a little washed out in places, and the pixels are HUGE. But it's stable even when it gets hot, and the image quality is just fine for Super Mario Bros. and GlitchNES, though I'd go nuts if I had to use NTRQ on this, or anything which required alot of reading.

I haven't tried my projector with anything besides the NES, so I'll let you know how the VCR goes! Wrath of Kahn, here I come!


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I actually played ET, how sad is that?

Flopps wrote:
Analog wrote:

Fuck da powerpaks.

Bit of a strong statement

He's entitled to his opinion. If I was given the choice I'd personally like to have both. smile But I just have the one I made for myself, which is needing some cleanup and then I can show it off. I'm going to try and get kinks worked out of the prototype this week. I made some stupid design decisions on the first one because of time constraints and lack of materials/funding which will not be present in the final product.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

17 out of 18. Lots of SFX from the Atari 2600 versions of games. The only I got wrong was the Berserk question, because I hadn't seen that game.

Thanks Koatl. I'll have you know, you're the first person to contact me. You'll get the first one!

Nice work Enso. Updating the front page now!

I dunno, if the assembler you are using is decent then why not? And yes, I know he was a musician, but he was also a real computer geek. After all, there were no pre-made tools, there was no reason to write any when you made your own (which is what the driver is.) I still very actively use old computers, and despite the consensus that assembler is "seemed like the most annoying way to write a tune," I would disagree. If I had sound drivers all made up then it wouldn't really be much different from using a tracker, and possibly more powerful. This is operating on the assumption that one knows assembler well enough to be doing this kind of thing. In that case making music in assembler wouldn't be too bad.