Having done a bit of assembler, I can believe people would code music this way. You have to remember that even legends like Hubbard were computer geeks first and musicians second. So it totally makes sense to me that they'd hard code their tunes like this.

Please post pics or video. I had to miss this because of commencement.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Congrats wedanced, getting the job is even cooler than getting the degree!


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool tunes, kinda neat. But why use Pixen for that little thing? Oh well, overkill is almost never a bad thing.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For all who want to know what I got my BA in- Philosophy and Catholic Studies. From the University of St. Thomas. With any luck I'll be a teacher some day. smile


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So, not seeing this, and I thought I'd maybe throw it out there.

I'm graduating from college today. So if you're wondering why I've been not here, ignoring you, missing your shows, etc. It's because I needed to fight for that cap 'n tassels.

Anyone else graduating? Post here.


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Huh, I think there's a good chance this could be fiddled with to the point of actually working. You'd need to get very creative with placement, but I believe there IS room in there to do it right. With SMT's is almost a given though.

And you're totally right Low-Gain, hauling that line outside the case with no protection circuit is just begging to fry the CPU with some lovely ESD or adding the possibility of more interference.

EDIT: Low-Gain has a good point though- if an improvement in sound ultimately cannot be made, then internalising the jack is merely cosmetic. A very nice cosmetic plastic surgery, don't get me wrong. smile

This thread is in the twilight zone, you know? The space time continuum doesn't apply here. Also, for many parts of teh world, this past week has been a special kind of bend in the flow of time, known by the name of "FINALS WEEK." smile

Power mod a GBP to remove noise and you're all set. Small, light, looks fabulous with or without a backlight, and with a li-poly mod the batteries will last a good while and you won't get nasty noises from your LSDJ cartridge overloading the power supply (with AAAs you will.)

akira^8GB wrote:
arfink wrote:

I have now discovered Paza Rahm.

Dude, where have you been for the past 10 years? big_smile

Well... I guess I didn't immediately recognize Paza Rahm as -THE- Paza, so... I guess I have heard of him before. But hey, it's Paza releases I haven't heard, so it's good. Better late than never. smile

Fabulous. A little scarily surreal at the end, what with the glowing evil superdux. big_smile A great way to start the day though, it's such a nice tune even if the video is totally trippy.

EDIT: many thanks for the link to the X-Dump3, as I have now discovered Paza Rahm.

Clever. That's actually some really cool work NEX.

I can make you a PCB that can mount inside of your own cart plastics. However, I can only provide NTSC boards this way, since I have no access to PAL boards. (this is to say, PAL CIC chips, which come on PAL boards.)

Also, if I don't have a cartridge to put the board into then that will necessitate some cutting of the cartridge on your part.

Send me an email, we can work this out.

If I have nobody who contacts me in a week I'm going to assume this is dead as a doornail and it's getting scrapped. If you want to preorder please get in touch before Friday.

The IIgs is 12 bit, so this scandoubler will work just fine. I haven't gotten around to testing mine yet because school has been putting most of my electronics hobby work on hold.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh, you're not keeping it? Bummer, that thing sounds so cool.