Well, I am not 100% sure on the color depth here... I got the board today though, and as soon as I get my sync splitter working I'm going to give it a try. I know for a fact it can do 16 bit color depth, at the very least. Also, on the Amiga, the 24 bit requirement is only for AGA modes, so don't get your boxers in a bundle. I'll ask him about it today, since he didn't give me a bunch of technical details, just the board.

Also, looking at the board, this is clearly NOT the kind of DIY kit the average person will be able to assemble, but still quite competitively priced (even fully assembled) if it can do what I think it can. I'd settle for 16 bit color depth. smile 'Cuz then it'll work with my IIgs and my Neo Geo!

Lastly, once I get a chance to try this baby out, I'll have pictures. Plenty of em!

akira^8GB wrote:
arfink wrote:

Well, pixel or not

So why not change the thread title?
"The 48 hour whatever picture that you take and convert to 8-bit colour with computerized gradients 'challenge' thread".

Why did I bother to actually do some fucking pixel art? Next time I take a picture off the internet and degrade its colours.
There's no respect in here.

No need to be a jerk about it. I'm just trying to keep this moving along. I'm not going to "punish" him, if that's what you mean. We just need to pick another person and move on. And yes, I'll update the front page rules so that people know it's supposed to actually be "pixel-ed."

But, the FDS bios can't have its tunes used in-game. Sorry. smile

Jazz piano- 8 years. 2 years of piano theory before that. Choir from the time I could talk, practically.

I think I'll throw this one to Flopps... updating front page now.

I have never heard of anything like that, except perhaps the Nintendo "po-ling" or other sorts of startup sounds. As for music you could just use in your own games... that is certainly not something I have ever heard of.

I also have (possibly) a big, pretty 23" LCD coming my way. Huzzah!

Well, pixel or not, you did produce an image and it's time for the next contestant. Browse through the first few postings and see who wanted to do one and who hasn't.

So, I have found someone who makes a 15kHz RGB to VGA scandoubler device. He originally made them for the Tandy Coco computer, but he's lately been working on mods to work with anything that can output a 15kHz RGB signal. That would include the Apple IIgs, Atari computers, Amigas, arcade boards, and probably more. He is sending me a kit to evaluate, and I'll do a full writeup when I get it, assemble it, and try it out! smile

His estimated cost per unit (fully assembled, with fancy plastic housing, etc.) is around $50 or so, which is quite a lot less than the next nearest RGB to VGA scandoubler. I'll provide more information when it arrives.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Arright, I tried to listen to your songs. I really did. But the archive is messed up and won't extract. Something about mismatched filenames, etc. Are there supposed to be question marks in front of your song names?

I think your "micro" symbol is making my archive program freak out. BTW, I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. So... I could haul this over to a friend's computer to extract/listen, or you could fix it. *hint* Of course, now you know for future releases. smile


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The envelope is quite neat. Sounds impressive, especially coming from a circuit that's inside of the DMG.

Hey hey, it's been almost a week. Got a release date? lol

Alrighty, gonna update the front page with this stuff then.


(36 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Huzzah! Happy B-Day. Go play some videogames or something.

Well, EmThree already did a challenge here, but there are others waiting... so I think you might pick someone else.

Time to challenge someone Andrio.