kitsch wrote:

running entire herds of animals off cliffs and only taking what wouldn't spoil, and pretty expansive clear cutting of forest areas too

Clearly exaggerated, everyone knows they were totally noble in every respect! wink Didn't you ever watch Pocahontas? LOL

sxe_weekend wrote:

Veggie dogs are lacking in the mechanically separated chicken, pork, and beef anus.

When you think of hot doge, just remember that you are following in the ancient ways of the Native Americans who used every part of the buffalo. Every. Part. Now don't you feel noble?

herr_prof wrote:

Yea but how many emulators truly provide a 1:1 appropriation of hardware? Also you can argue that why emulate on some machine that is capable of much more?

Because then you only need one machine. Also, I don't want a 1:1 replica of the hardware when cartridges are involved, as they tend to be a major failure point. Alkaline batteries as a power source? I'll pass on that too. Horrible ergonomics? Skip. Terrible displays? Also skip.

Yeah, i suppose so. I guess I don't see old hardware as being more or less authentic, since usually the sound of a SID or a DMG is as much the result of loose tolerances at the time of manufacture or badly aging capacitors or on-board EMI as anything else. So it's really just different, as opposed to "real."

Um, it looks like you took that photo with a potato. It's kinda hard to see anything at all.

yogi wrote:

Well that could be true, but most the people here are not the target customers IMO. There are a lot here that love their old original game systems. The 5-in-one would be a convenience, just as a PC EMU is. But not a replacement.
What do I know; as working consols become harder to find, modern hardware replacements will fill the void as long as there is a demand.
Yogi smile

There is really no conceivable reason in my mind why an emulator need be inferior to the original hardware in terms of sound. If you're willing to record your DMG with a PC, then why wouldn't you generate the audio with a PC too?

arfink wrote:

I'm personally thinking the controller looks very cool. I might pick up the controller and forget about the console, depending on if it works with PC. The thumb stick looks like the one on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, which I love.

I know I won't use the console, and don't care about their controller anymore. I'm making my own. … is-gp-pro/

This isn't exactly music related, but since the closest to chiptuning I get these days is listening to chiptunes and occasionally modding consoles, I figured I might as well share this here.

I have here a Neo Geo Pocket Color (AKA NGPC) and an old Gravis Gamepad Pro. The Gravis has excellent button placement and feels great in the hand, but the d-pads on them always sucked because back in the day Nintendo still had a patent on the good kind. Well, as it turns out, there was one directional input which was still better than a cross-shaped d-pad, and that's the clicky thumbstick on the NGPC. It's amazing, and is the only thumb-control I've ever liked for shmups or fighting games, because you can actually pull off a dragon-punch move without breaking your thumbs. IMO, the thumb stick of the NGPC was the very best part of the whole system.

So I'm transplanting the thumb stick into the Gravis, and converting the whole thing to bluetooth.

Operations have begun. I used the laser cutter to contour the front face and cut it out.

Need to desolder the joystick next. Haven't got to it yet.

Fits like it was meant to be there.

I'm using a Bluefruit module from Adafruit to run the bluetooth portion of this build, and it will have a 500 mAh lipo and charger built in as well, so it ought to run for about 12 hours on a charge. More updates when I have the electronics built.


(6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Screw that floppy drive. I would investigate other interfaces, like copying files over serial cable (using the copy command, or maybe interlnk/intersrv) and/or getting a PCMCIA network card. The only time you should really need the floppy drive is for booting the computer if the hard drive goes completely bonkers.

This. So much this. And if the HDD kicks the bucket, replace it with a CF card to IDE adapter.


(6 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

IDK what kind of floppy drive that is. Compaq sometimes used proprietary parts, and sometimes not. If it's not a proprietary drive and you feel like doing a bit of hacking around in there, you could replace it internally, otherwise I'm sure there are probably external options if you need.

Oh, and if it's Compaq proprietary, good luck to you sir. Some of the more unusual Compaq hardware is incredibly hard to find. It was hard to find back in the day, and it's even worse now.

I'm personally thinking the controller looks very cool. I might pick up the controller and forget about the console, depending on if it works with PC. The thumb stick looks like the one on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, which I love.

sunsp0t wrote:

Does that lipo mod last longer or shorter than your run of the mill aaa's?

Well, seeing as the average AAA battery has a typical rating of 850-1200 mAh, and the lipo has a rating of about 600 mAh, I'd say it's maybe less.


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

Yes! This is great stuff. If you haven't listened to it yet, you need to do that sooner rather than later. C-Jeff's work is usually exceptionally good, but this album is possibly his best work to date.

Is it possible such a thing could be done with a Famicom mobo instead of a NES2 mobo? They seem to be a bit more common.

If you want the tubes, you can find them here: … ng/=p8mm04

That's polycarb, which for stage work I would suggest as it's less likely to get smashed up like acrylic would. To frost it, you could use sandpaper, sandblasting, or some kind of etchant perhaps.


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I did another batch for Kitsch, which I assume he'll post to his shop at some point. I also do custom design orders, which you can find out about here: … g-service/