Yes, very nice. Thanks very much No Carrier. Guess what's going on the Dev cart next...
1,361 Jan 16, 2010 7:23 pm
Re: scrollNES - dynamic text scrolling routine for the NES (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
1,362 Jan 14, 2010 7:07 pm
Re: Mapping the 8bit Community (36 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I need to fix mine.
1,363 Jan 14, 2010 2:26 am
Re: OxygenStar - Sassy Wisdom (29 replies, posted in Releases)
Yeah, I second that. This work rocks. Like doing laundry.
1,364 Jan 13, 2010 9:52 pm
Re: For Sale: Arduinoboy Mini! + more (47 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Also, no firmware issues on GP2X, unlike the didly crap you have to go through to get a PSP to boot anything.
1,365 Jan 13, 2010 7:21 pm
Re: For Sale: Arduinoboy Mini! + more (47 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Bummage. I just dropped almost that amount on the IIgs, I would have bought it for that price. Eh, oh well.
1,366 Jan 13, 2010 5:14 pm
Re: NTRQ - Native NES Tracker by Neil Baldwin (373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Nice, thanks Neil. OK then, I'll design my cart with extra PRG ROM space and I can just pad it out for now. And, just so you know, I was going to spend money on some MMC1 dev carts anyways, so what the heck, right? I think that since you're shooting for more than 128kbit of PRG space sometime down the line I'll just plan on modding an SNROM cart and just dealing with the WRAM to CHR ROM conversion anyway, since an SKROM can't do bigger than 128kbit PRG ROM.
Of course, you could just get really crazy and change the mapper entirely... which I wouldn't mind. Do what you need to do. I only asked because I happen to have an MMC1 in the works here, and wanted to make sure I could accommodate your code as long as I'm at it.
EDIT: HMM... looking at the hardware, it seems to me that getting more than 128kbit in PRG ROM on an MMC1 is going to require a) using CHR RAM or b) omitting SRAM, at least on a real cartridge. I think maybe the repropacks can do it, but I can't find any original NES hardware which can actually give you more than 128kbit in PRG ROM without stealing CHR space in order to do it.
1,367 Jan 13, 2010 5:07 pm
Re: What are linux users playing their chip files on? (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Haha! I use Rythmbox, but not for chip formats. Then I use Totem with a whole pile of extra Gstreamer plugins. If you are using Ubuntu they're both already installed and all you'll need is the codecs/plugins.
1,368 Jan 13, 2010 3:51 am
Re: NTRQ - Native NES Tracker by Neil Baldwin (373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Yus. I went a picked up a couple of MMC1 carts of various configurations for hacking. SNROM board is looking the most promising. In the mean time, I'll be able to run a translated copy of Sweet Home on it.
EDIT: Ick. SNROM is going to be a pain. Time to track down a SKROM board.
So, Neil, tell me if this is right:
You need 128k of PRG ROM, 64k CHR ROM, 8k SRAM, and an MMC1, right? Not CHR RAM, correct?
EDIT2: found some possible donor carts, now to track some down. (crappy) games like:
Al Unser Racing
Baseball Simulator 1000
Baseball Stars
Ghost Lion
Heroes of the Lance
Also, I believe most of the Ultima games would work... need to check that.
1,369 Jan 13, 2010 2:07 am
Re: Apple II Music (26 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
OK, NTGS 2.0 requires just a hair over 2 megs of RAM, and the hard disk is definitely recommended although you can run it from floppy. The only thing is, you have to be running from GS/OS 6.0.1, which has pretty hefty requirements itself.
As for finding NTGS, you can get 1.0 here:
And the other two you get here: … .V1.40.SHK … GSv2.0.SHK
You will need Ciderpress or ShrinkIt in order to extract those last two.
1,370 Jan 13, 2010 2:05 am
Re: NTRQ - Native NES Tracker by Neil Baldwin (373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Is this the MMC1 with the battery backup? Thanks!
EDIT: read the header again, now I know. D'oh!
1,371 Jan 12, 2010 10:32 pm
Re: NTRQ - Native NES Tracker by Neil Baldwin (373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Neil- What mapper is this supposed to run on? I want to have my cart design worked out before you release.
1,372 Jan 12, 2010 9:37 pm
Re: Apple II Music (26 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Cricket- got pics? Or better yet, circuit diagrams?
1,373 Jan 12, 2010 9:37 pm
Re: Apple II Music (26 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
arfink wrote:Nice. Let me know when you get that going. Logan and Stefan have been kinda coming to me for IIgs stuff. As for doing music on apple II, here is something which you'll all find useful:
Run by my buddy Luddite! It covers most everything for Apple II, but not for IIgs.
Logan- I'm gonna email John again today, since he's back at work and could probably check for me, and I have to go up there every day to pick my brother up from school anyhow, so if he still has one I could get it this week. Also, I'm going to need to recap mine, it's getting very shakey for the first 20 mins or use or so. Very annoying.
Love that site, been going there for years! Can you ask him to stop zipping the disk images in that weird format I cant unzip?@!
I can unzip those... use Ciderpress.
1,374 Jan 12, 2010 7:51 pm
Re: Apple II Music (26 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
How much do Apple II's go for these days?
Depends on where you look. On ePay you'll find them for the $20-$120 range depending on model and options. A stock ROM 01 IIgs with no drives or anything is probably one of the cheapest options for entry level.
Ultimately though, if you're in the market for a II, you should be checking forums and Craigslist for the deals. Like the Vintage Computer Forums. Here is my rough estimate of pricing/usefulness for the Apple II line.
Apple II: ($100+, not very useful)
Apple II+ ($100+, slightly more useful, limited RAM)
Apple IIe ($20+, pretty decent for 8 bit software)
Apple IIc ($30+, portable, but not expandable)
Apple IIgs ($10+, price varies wildly based on upgrades, most powerful)
Apple III ($???, really rare, not really suited for music)
1,375 Jan 12, 2010 7:35 pm
Re: Apple II Music (26 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Nice. Let me know when you get that going. Logan and Stefan have been kinda coming to me for IIgs stuff. As for doing music on apple II, here is something which you'll all find useful:
Run by my buddy Luddite! It covers most everything for Apple II, but not for IIgs.
Logan- I'm gonna email John again today, since he's back at work and could probably check for me, and I have to go up there every day to pick my brother up from school anyhow, so if he still has one I could get it this week. Also, I'm going to need to recap mine, it's getting very shakey for the first 20 mins or use or so. Very annoying.
1,376 Jan 11, 2010 11:57 pm
Re: How to: Snes/Nes security screws without screwdriver (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
heh, I have never gotten this to work either, for some reason. Maybe wrong plastic. Still, it's a common trick and alot of people report that it works OK. I'd still want a real gamebit.