My apologies for the delays in getting these up, I was away from work and my computer for most of this past week on account of my fiancée being in from out of state. Anywho, people wanted to see DMG pics, so here we are:

This first pic is of cases that have had successful engravings on them. The color is a little off because this was shot under incandescent light. Now, these are cases which were already clean and looking nice to begin with. Cases which are badly UV damaged will have much less desirable results, and can get strange mottling and such, as you can see here:

Retrobrite-treated cases will have an identical problem, since engraving them will cut down into lower layers of the plastic which have not been touched by the reaction, so the mottling will reappear.

It should also be obvious that DMG case backs, as well as the ASM reproductions, are not great candidates for engraving to begin with, as the characteristic "ridges" molded into the backs take away almost all the usable room on the backside. Kitsch's cases have a distinct advantage in that regard, being much more flat and open on the backside.

stargazer wrote:
arfink wrote:

Isn't the Beagle Black about $45 these days? New?

I thought they were $50. Just looked, you were right. Maybe I just lumped shipping into the original cost. But I'm also including the sd card, hdmi cable, usb hub, and power adapter all of which cost me well over $20. With shipping included I thought it was a decent price.

Seems legit. smile

Isn't the Beagle Black about $45 these days? New?

Brother Android wrote:

You're a wonderful human being. As soon as I think of something rad for you to engrave (well, assuming I've also figured out how to LSDJ) I'll hit you up. I'm curious about engraving on an NES as well.

That would be fun, and a much bigger canvas to play with besides. smile

I have done them on original gray DMG cases, and will be providing pics soonish. Have not tested on PILs, but I doubt they'd be any different. I have not tested on ASM's cases, but would be curious to do so.

I am going to begin offering a custom engraving service for DMGs now.

Here is how it works:
If you want me to design something for you or customize a design I've already done for you, just ask, I'm happy to do that for you. If you want to do the design work yourself for maximal control, download this design template and work with it in Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, or any other vector graphics program of your choice. I prefer Inkscape, it's free and open source! The file is scaled 1:1, so if you don't mess with the scale you can be sure everything will line up perfectly.

Ultimately, you want to wind up with something that looks sorta like this, so i can engrave it for you on my laser.

Pricing works like this:
If you want me to provide a Kitschboy case and engrave it
Full case engraving, front and back sides: $50
Half case engraving, front OR back: $30

If you want to mail me your own case and I engrave it
Full case engraving, front and back sides: $40
Half case engraving, front OR back: $20

Extras: If you want a Kitschboy case with the matching buttons, screen protector, shielding, and battery terminals, add $3.

Some final notes: if you want a Gameboy engraved, you need to send me just the case. Do NOT send the electronics if at all possible, and keep the screws, buttons, and anything else that might fall off at home. All I want is the plastic shell. Also, I cannot at this time engrave onto shells which have been painted or treated with RetroBrite solutions. Paint is volatile and can do very strange and bad things when lasers hit it, and cases which have been RetroBrite treated get mottled and ugly results when engraved.

If you want to have engraving and paint, I suggest you get your shell engraved before painting it.

Apple IIgs update: (note that IIgs goodies are take everything for $75 + shipping or make an offer if you want parts.)
MicroDrive IDE and 4mb RAM cards sold! Everything else is still here.

- 2x Apple IIgs systems, with working PSUs.
- 1mb RAM card, fully populated. This was the standard issue card that most late-model IIgs machines shipped with.
- 2x each of 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives, all working. Also, tons of software on floppy. All the discs are made from disk images found online, and were written recently. I can't promise they don't have any bit-rot or some such, but I suspect they all work. I also have sealed NOS packages of floppies in both sizes.
- Original IIgs keyboard and mouse. This is the really nice original IIgs keyboard with Alps mechanical switches under each key. A great compact keyboard, and if nobody wants it, I'm probably gonna convert it to USB. (NOTE: Keyboard is available again!)
- Original RGB monitor.
- Finally, I have cables, manuals, and other goodies for those who are interested.


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Figured y'all might like to see a glimpse of the workshop. Note the fire extinguisher. That's for when shits on fire yo.

I don't have any money wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Also, I have Metal Slug and Minecraft. Don't need much more.


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm trying to get some designs put together for original DMG shells, and the backside is a pain, there's almost no room! tongue


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

These you will have to click on to see big enough. The white cases are really hard to photograph after engraving. tongue


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

arfink, would you give me some discount if i give you a design to TEST? id take a fucked up shell as long as it works

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you mean what I think you do, then probably yes. PM me and I'll be happy to hatch some kind of plot. wink


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

New design coming soon:


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So I have another pile of gameboys here to engrave... hummmmm what to put on them? wink

Once the design is finalized and colors selected I'll be happy to provide photos of the panels being used. Since I'll be the one making them.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01, I'm actually contemplating trying both and seeing which is less hassle. Maybe I'll even make a tutorial or something.