(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

aight. well, I'm leaning toward the title screen or intro... or maybe credits. I'll mess around with some ideas and let you know for sure i wanna work on. also some of these are going to be really short, like a password screen may just be a 10 second loop. Obviously it can be longer than that , but usually they are relatively short simple songs. maybe some of them should be grouped together? like password AND character select... continue + game over. etc

lol yea...so....RPS to decide winner? lol


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i def want to get in on this. im not too picky so i'll take what's left over towards the end lol. i think its prob best to deviate from the konami / capcom sound anyway. for starters they both have a pretty distinct sound, so if anything it'd be best to choose just one. but no matter what we're going to end up with lots of different styles that probably aren't going to sound much like either company. i dunno, that's just my feelings.

oh snap this is tonight, my sat night just got so much better!

cool idea. i thought of maybe doing something like this a while back where each person writes a different part to compose an entire soundtrack. it should probably be its own thread though and not part of either this or the bi-weekly comp imo. i'd def be down though

it was great to finally meet and shake the hand of the man the myth and the legend @8static. I've listened to this numerous times since and i love it. i had high expectations and you sir managed to surpassed them. water2 (wetter) - best track imo. please don't ever stop making music.

oh snap i just realized we have two weeks now , i was thinking i had to finish by tonight, nice!

damn i thought this one would come easy to me but im really struggling with the little bit of time ive had

looks pretty fun, and the music sounds great!

2PLAYER wrote:
Kommisar wrote:

fakebit is allowed. hehe

Ehhh, I'm all for allowing it but there should be some stipulations. Ie limiting number of channels, polyphony, etc. Should be trying to emulate a retro system not adding a magical8bit channel over an otherwise non-8bit song. Slippery slope.

well, as long as its mainly chip sounds im ok with it, i dont care how you make it.

holy crap i have to get in on this one fo sho. i heart mega man and tmnt!

damn 2 player is owning this lol. nice job man

i dont think so, but i may have an extra. i pm'ed ya

looks like ive got an extra ticket for tonight if anyone wants it get at me 609-412-7952

whats the parking situation like there? trying to figure out what the cheapest/easiest way to get there is going to be.

@8-Bit -Rex - all sounds good to me, great idea(s)!