(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

dude tight. we need a more labor intensive rom now wink what would something powerful like an fpga be used for?


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

prime wink what are the button functions?


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

dude those santa cruz hills arent forgiving. when i lived there on weekends with my dad we used to use his cruzer and lay headfirst down those hills. now that i look back we were kinda stupid for not looking for traffic... i think i was 8?


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Downstate wrote:

$439 woah
it looks odd / like a heap of shit - i wouldnt pay $43.9 for it
actually i wood : P
then i re-sell it for stacks of CA$H

nice pun wink


(12 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

definatley cool! smile

basspuddle wrote:

as far as i'm aware, the official nintendo link cables (dmg-04) and the 4-player adapter (dmg-07) have the 5v power line, i can't speak for most non-official link cables, though.

dmg-04's dont have 5V hmm

oh shit pokemon yellow!!! im beating it before june xD started last week hahaha

clean the contacts on the game smile rubbing alcohol on a qtip should do the trick smile

what happened to a project a week sad


(14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

TSC wrote:

I've experienced pad lifting when soldering on cheaper units fwiw.

i bought about 10 from ebay, and the first 2 did this, so i wound up soldering headers on them super quickly
also, protoboard from china... its only pcb with pieces of foil halfway glued with a cheap glue stick xD
all jokes aside though, you do get what you pay for. stick to american parts


(14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

nope, all othe them use an atmega328, but im not sure if that much space is required for the arduinoboy. people use the arduino pro mini because of its micro form factor, and its great for shoving in gameboys, but unos are good if thats all you have and you want to fiddle smile and the tutorial, i believe theres one on instructables from scienceguy08 here


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

is the xboxboy functional? O.o


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Looking for somebody to host my product, my web designer bailed...

fresh batteries?

dude, there album is DOPE!


(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dang... was worth way more than 50 imo...