yogi wrote:If there are no differences, as in timing, for the SMS/Gen Cart code, I.E no need to re chip the cart; I can source any needed parts for an AVR interface board local (if I don't already have them around here). I've built 'Adruinos' on proto board, so there no mysteries about the generic UNO circuit.
So really, speaking for myself, in addition to an AVR, the pinout/Sch and/or a Brd file. But I'm not too concerned about a Brd file, for a one off for myself. After all's said and done, to me, it's just as easy to point to point wire it as etch and drill my own.
Actually I had a dream overnight that would solve this problem.
I am going to try and fit a software serial port onto an unused GenMDM pin to handle MIDI input.
Then, for those wishing to have MIDI in from a traditional plug, you can breadboard or solder the pre-programed Teensy onto a MIDI in circuit, and simply by holding a certain other pin to ground, you can then use the software serial version and then use the MIDI input.
OR perhaps a UART. or something.
i guess my point is I had some good thoughts on it in dream mode. 
The programming is very modular and segmented, so this shouldn't be an issue.
Give me a few days to think about this, but it could be a VERY flexible solution and I'd happiy make a tutorial on how to perform this mod.